The Anglish Moot
Desert Wortlorish Gardens

Worts grown at the Dryland Wortlorish Gardens in Arizona

Wortlore is the learning and knowhood about worts. It is an arm of lifelore that holds the knowhood anent the growth, feeding, begetting and sicknesses of worts.

As with other kinds of life in lifelore, wort life can be read from sunderly outlooks, from the bit-lifelore (molecular biology) , kingrowthlore (genetics) and lifeblendlore (biochemistry) through lifebits (organelles), lifebricklore (cell biology), makeup (anatomy), befolkings (population) of worts. At each of these lores, a wortloreman might be busy with the naming, makeup, or inner workings (physiology) of worts.

Long ago, wortlore was for all living beings that were not thought to be wights. Some of these "wortlike" living beings were mushroomkind (fungi) (learned about in shroomlore (mycology),smallkind (bacteria) and nearlifekind (virus) (learned about in littlelifelore), and stone grass (algae) (stonegrasslore). Most stonegrass, mushroomkinds, and littlekinds (bacteria and viruses together) are no longer thought to be in the wort kingdoom. However, heed is still given to them by wortloremen, and smallkinds, mushroomkinds, and stonegrass are sometimes learned about in first wortlore learnsettings.

So why learn about worts? Worts make up a great deal of life on earth. They make the sourstuff, food, and healers that let highmore lifekinds live. Worts also soak in CO2, a greenhouse wind, through light trapping. A good understanding of worts is needed to the aftertide of mankind as it lets us:

  • Feed the world
  • Understand the groundwork of life
  • Make Healers (medicine)
  • Understand earthly shifts

Almost all of the food we eat comes from worts, either straight from bloomyield (fruit) and greens (vegetables), or crabwise through livestock, which reckon on worts for fodder. In other words, worts are at the ground of near to all food roads (chains), or what earthloremen call the first floor (wortlore). Understanding how worts make the food we eat is therefore needed to feed the world and give food trust for our offspring to come, like through wort breeding. Not all worts are good to mankind, weeds are a worry in acrework (agriculture) and wortlore gives some of the needed learning to understand how to lessen their thrust. Folkwortlore is the lore of this and other bonds between worts and mankind.

In many offset ways, worts are a bit like the 'delveman's yellowbird', (miner's canary) awaking us to big shifts in our world. Lore aside, worts are high worthy as funtools (recreation) for a great deal of folk who take gladness in yarding (gardening), yardwork (horticulture) and food handles (uses) of worts every day.
