The Anglish Moot


Anglofrench, why have you moved the page back to 'Rindleberg'? What is the meaning of this name and why is it more fitting than Easternrike? Zacwill16 (talk) 18:00, May 8, 2016 (UTC)

List of Lands Isn't it nicer than "Easternrike" ? Anglofrench (talk) 06:32, May 10, 2016 (UTC)

How does is mean 'land of streams and mountains'? Berg can mean mountain, and I'm guessing that rindle is a word meaning stream, but that would give a meaning of 'stream mountain'. Besides, shouldn't we use names based on the true names instead of making ones up that we think sound nice? Zacwill16 (talk) 14:21, May 20, 2016 (UTC)
- Not necessarily, Rindleberg conveys 'land of streams and mountains' well enough.
- Why should we use official non-Anglish names and what is wrong with made up ones? Anglofrench (talk) 07:02, May 21, 2016 (UTC)
Because they would never be used in real life. When English-speakers learned about Austria, they would not randomly decide to call it 'stream mountain', they would call it a version of the native name, adapted to have meaning in English and to be less awkward for English-speakers to pronounce. Oesterreich would naturally become something like Easternrike. Zacwill16 (talk) 10:54, May 22, 2016 (UTC)