The Anglish Moot

Meaning drift, in eretide speechlore, is a happening whereby words shift in meaning over a long time, ending in meaning unalikenesses between kinwords.

To byspell, the English word "starve" is akin with the German "sterben" ("to die"). Though both words arose from a shared West Theedish root *sterb-a- ("to die"), and their meanings are still somewhat akin, meaning drift has made their sooth meanings unalike. The same may happen within a tongue, moreso when a word is wordlinked. To forshow, English "hurdle" is kinword to hard and is wordlinked with the -le oftenness afterfastened.

A further lodestar is with the English word 'black,' which is kinword with Winnetish words for white (Russian белый), the put together Ur-Indo-Quidlandish root for both is *bhel. English black comes from Theedish *blakaz, a bygone deedhoneword of a workword meaning "to blaze." As a honeword, the word would show something that has burned and since what is burnt is often black, the shift in meaning makes more sense.

Here are some more meaning drifts which have happened between English and German words:

will = wollen (to want)

worth = werden (to become)

tumble = taumeln (to reel)

beach = bach (stream)

walk = walken (to full)

road = rad (wheel)

stair = steg (path)

with = wieder (again)

dull = toll (mad)

slim = schlimm (bad, cunning)

show = schauen (to look)

bid = bitten (to ask)

thread = draht (wire)

watch = wachen (to be awake)
