The Anglish Moot
Old English n English
Unmad vb Sane, not mad or crazy: "She is the only unmad member of my family".
Unmaddened adj Not made angry: "unmaddened by the babble of vain main."
Unmaddening adj Not in an uncontrolled manner, with quietness, calmness
Unmadding ppl Unaffected with madness; calm; quiet, sane.
Unmaddingly adv In a manner unaffected with madness, quiet, calm, tranquil.
Unmade vb Not yet made. 2. untrained. 3. existing without having been made. 4. uncreated but existent. 5. not made out or up.
Unmaiden vb To deprive of maidenhood. 2. to deflower.
Unmaidening n The act of depriving a woman of maidenhood. 2. the act of deflowering.
Unmaidenly adv Behaviour not appropriate or expected of a maiden; unbecomingly, immodest.
Unmain n Want or lack of strength.
Unmake vb To reverse or undo the making of (something or object). 2. to reduce again to an unmade condition. 3. to deprive of a particular role or station. 4. to depose of. 5. to deprive of a certain character or quality. 6. to alter in nature. 7. to undo, ruin, destroy; to bring to nothing. 8. to annul a decision.
Unmaking n The act of reversing or undoing something. 2. the act or action of reducing something again to an unmade condition. 3. the deprivation of certain characters or qualities. 4. the alteration of the nature of something. 5. ruination, destruction, undoing of, 6. annulment, abrogation, repealing.
Unman vb To deprive of the attributes of a man. 2. to remove from the category of men. 3. to reduce below the level of man; to degrade, brutalise. 4. to deprive of manly courage or fortitude; to make meek or effeminate. 5. to deprive of virility. 6. to emasculate. 7. to take from a ship or vessel its company of men. 8. to deprive oneself of something.
Unmanfully adv Not in a manner of a man; unmasculinely, effeminately.
Unmanhood n Unmanliness, unmanly conduct.
Unmanlike adv Below the level of manly conduct. 2. brutally, cruely, harsh, inhuman. 3. not like or inappropriate to a man or men, unmasculine. 4. unnaturally licentious or debasing.
Unmanliness n The state or quality of not being masculine or virile.
Unmanly adv Not masculine, not manly, effeminate, not virile, with unmanly weakness, not courageous, meek. 2. not gentlemanly, not honourable; dishonourably, treacherously, inhumanly, cruelly. 3. dishonourable or degrading to a man. 4. not befitting a man in respect to fortitude or energy.
Unmanned adj Not manned. 2. deprived of virility or manhood. 3. unaccustomed to men, untamed: said of hawks. 4. uninhabited.
Unmannish adj Unmanly, unmasculine, lacking in virility. 2. weakly, without strength or courage, timid, meekish. 3. dishonourable, ungentlemanly, treacherously.
Unmarked adj Not marked; uncorrected. 2. without blemish. 3. not observed. 4. not ticketed, as shop goods.
Unmatched adj Not matched or equal; matchless, unrivalled. 2. not provided with something equal or alike.
Unmatchless adj Unmatchable, unequal, unrivalled.
Unmatchedness n State or quality of being unrivalled, having non equal, non-pareil: "his stark unmatchedness in all way or manner of learning."
Unmated adj not mated; single.
Unmawe n A poor or helpless person.
Unmawe adj Helpless.
Unmeaning adj Of features: expressionless, vacant, unintelligent. of persons: having no seriousness or purpose. 3. action, conduct: having no meaning or signifance. 4. utterings, saying: meaningless, insignificant; having no meaning or signification; as, unmeaning words. 5. ot indicating intelligence or sense; senseless; expressionless.
Unmeaningly adv Meaninglessly or unsignificantly. 2. intelligently or without sense; senselessly; expressionlessly;
Unmeaningness n State or condition of emptiness, without signifance. 2.
Unmeant ppl Not meant or intended.
Unmeedful adj Undeserving of reward or guerdon.
Unmeedy adj Unrewarded.
Unmeet n Unmete: immoderate or excessive amount or measure. 2. excessive in size, huge, immense. 3. unequal, unevenly matched. 4. unequally. 5. not closely united; remote. 7. unfitting, unsuitable, unbecoming, improper. 8. unfit, unsuited for some purpose: incompetent. 9. not met or adapted.
Unmeetly adv Unmetely: immoderately, excessively, unfitly, unbecomingly.
Unmeeteness n Unfitness, unsuitableness.
Unmeethship n Impatience.
Unmellow adj Unripe, not well-matured, not bitter or acidulous. 2. not rich or mellow in tones. 3. unhappyish, unmerry, not friendly of companiable. 4. not friable of soil.
Umellowed adj Not mellowed; immature.
Unmelted adj Not liquefied by heat.
Unmenged adj Unmixed, unblended. 2. not joined or combined.
Unmerrily adv In an unhappy manner.
Unmerry adj Unhappy, unjoyous, not glad.
Un-merryness n State or condition of being or feeling unhappy.
Unmet vb Not meted out, measured out. 2. to not reward.
Unmet adj Not come upon or encountered. 2. not made an acquaintance of or introduced to. 3. not to be at a place of arrival to meet someone. 4. not to come into contact, conjunction or intersection with. 5. not to face, confer, deal with or encounter. 6. not to comply with, or meet another expectation. 7. not to pay a bill or account. 8. not to experience or go through a situation, usu. ghastly or disturbing.
Unmethe n Immoderation, excess fault.
Unmethe adj Unequal, unfair, urgently.
Unmight n Feebleness, want of the strength, weakness.
Unmightful adj Unable, impossible, cannot do, undoable.
Unmightness n Impotence
Unmighty adj Devoid of might or strength, weak, feeble, powerless, impotent.
Unmild adj Not mild or gentle. 2. harsh, tough, unkind. 3.harsh of taste
Unmildness n State or quality of being unmild, harsh, tough, unkind.
Unmildewed adj Not covered in mildew.
Unmilked adj Not having milk draw or extracted from the mammary glands as a cow. 2. not to be quizzed or grilled for information. 3. not to exploit or take advantage of.
Unmilled vb Not yet ground, shaped or polished.
Unminded adj Unmentioned, not borne in mind. 2. unheeded, unregarded, left unnoticed, overlooked.
Unmindful adj Not keeping in mind; not having knowledge of, be unaware of. 2. careless, heedless.
Unmindfulness n The state or condition of not keeping something in mind.
Unminding n The action of forgetting or disregarding.
Unmined adj Not dug up or mined.
Unmingle vb To not mix together (fig and lit). 2. not mix, blend or unite together. 3. not to join, combine, bring into close relations. 4. not to enter into compny, association, as with a crowd.
Unmingled adj Umixed; unblended, not combined or joined. 2, not associated or united in society, or with certain people, by ties of relationship. 3. not deprived of purity by mixture; uncontaminated. 4. not made or prepared by mixing the ingredients of.
Unmirthful adj Not happy, glad, joyful. 2. lacking of laughter.
Unmirthfulness n State of not be happy, merry or joyful.
Unmisgive vb To make free of fearfulness, anxiety, suspicious, or doubtful. 2. to be unapprehensive.
Un-misgiving n A feeling without doubt, premomition, anxiety or apprehension.
Un-misgivingness n In a state without doubt, anxiety or apprehension.
Unmissed adj To hit or strike. 2. to meet, catch, obtain, accomplish, be success. 3. to take opportunity or advantage of. 4. to attend a meeting or gathering.
Unmist vb To free from mist, to brighten.
Unmistaken adj That cannot be mistaken for something else. 2. evident, clear, obvious.
Unmistakenly adv Evidently, clearly, obviously, patently.
Unmonkish adj Secular, wordly, not religious, as "High schools .. from the monkish ages into the highly unmonkish ones".
Unmoth-eaten ppl Not eaten or ruined by moths. 2. unworn.
Unmothered adj Deprived of motherly feelings. 2. deprived or destitute of a mother.
Unmotherly adj Unlike or not resembling a mother. 2. not pertaining to, or unbecoming to, of a mother.
Unmotherly adv Not in a manner of a mother.
Unmotherless adj Having no mother; motherless.
Unmown adj Not mowed, left with longest grass.