The Anglish Moot
Old English n English
Unhad ppl Unobtained
Unhair vb To deprive of hair, to loose the hair; become free of hair.
Unhaired adj Beardless, hairless.  2. without skin or hide.
Unhairy adj Not hairy or hirsute.
Unhale adj Not hale or healthy; unsalutary. 2. not in a hale or hearty condition; sick, unwell, unhealth, illness or sickness.
Unhallow vb To deprive of holy or sacred character. 2. to profane.
Unhallowed adj Not formerly hallowed or consecrated. 2. left secular or profane. 3. not having a hallowed or sacred character; unholy, impious, wicked of action, language, place.
Unhallowedness n Unhallowing. 2. the action of making unhallowed.
Unhand vb To release from one's grip or grasp. 2. to let go. 3. to take the word of.
Unhandily adv Awkwardly.
Unhandiness n Inexpertise, awkwardness; unmanageableness.
Unhandled adj Not broken in; untamed as a wild horse. 2. not dealt with or treated or touched with the hand. 3. untrained, unemployed.
Unhandsome adj Of persons, their features: not elegant or graceful. 2. faulty in appearance, form or structure. 3. plain, uncomely, not handsome.
Unhandsomely adj Unhandy, inconvenient, ill-adapted. 2. inexpert, unskilful. 3. unfitting, unbecomely. 4. unfitting, unbecoming, unseemly, discourteous, mean of language. 5. not genuine or literal; unfortunate, unhappy, unpleasant, nasty.
Unhandy adj Not easy to handle or manage. 2. inconvenient, awkward, clumsy. 3. not skilful in using the hands. 4. lacking in dexterity.
Unhang vb To take down from a hanging position. 2. to divest of hanging. 3. to undo the hanging or execution of (a person).
Unhanged adj Not yet hanged. 2. not yet excuted by hanging.
Unhangingly adv Disconnectedly.
Unharbour vb To dislodge or deprive of shelter; esp. a person seeking refuge or animal, such as deer.
Unhard adj Soft; not hard.
Unhardened adj Not yet hardened by life; uninured; youthful. 2. still soft.
Unhardiness n State or condition of not being hardened.
Unhardy adj Not hardy.
Unharm vb To not harmed.
Unharmed adj Not harmed.
Unharmful adj Not harmful, innocuous.
Unharming adj Not harming or injuring.
Unharness vb To remove the harness from; unyoke; release. 2. to remove the harness from.
Unhasp vb Free or loose from a hasp or catch; unfasten.
Unhatched adj (Of a an egg) not hatched.
Unhead vb To behead a person. 2. to deprive or divest of a head. 3. to put an end to.
Unheaded adj Destitute or devoid of a head. 2. lacking a leader or leadership.
Unheal vb Want of health or soundness. 2. infirmity, trouble, misfortune.
Unhealed adj Not yet healed.
Unhealful adj Unwholesome
Unhealth n State or want of health or wellness. 2. weak or poor health. 3.sickness or illness
Unhealthful adj Unhealthy of life and growth.
Unhealthfulness n State of unhealthliness.
Unhealthiness n Of persons, places, climate: unhealthy, unsalubrious,
Unhealthsome adj Unhealthiness, unhealthy.
Unhealthy adj Not in good health, 2. (of a place) harmful to health; wholesome. 3. (slang) dangerous to life.
Unhear vb To hear not; to not hear. 2. to refuse to hear.
Unheard adj Not listened to. 2. not heard.
Unheard phr "Unheard Of" - not known; unknown; not yet known or heard. 2. strange, unusual.
Unheard-of adj Not known; unknown; not yet known or heard. 2. strange, unusual, unprecedented.
Unheart vb To deprive of heart or dishearten.
Unheartsome adj Melancholy.
Unhearty adj Timid, listless, without zeal or heart. 2. faint-hearted; spiritless, disspirited. 3. not hearty or cordial. 4. in poor condition.
Unheated adj Not heated.
Unheavenly adv Not heavenly.
Unhedged adj Not bounded by a hedge. 2. (of a speculative investment) not hedged.
Unheed vb To disregard; pay no attention to.
Unheeded adj Not listened to, not taken notice of, regarded or valued; disregarded.
Unheedful adj Heedless. 2. taking no heed.
Unheedfulness n State or quality of being heedless or paying no attention to.
Unheeding adj Not heeding or paying attention to; disregarding.
Unheedingly adv In an unheeding manner.
Unheedy adj Unheedful.
Unhele vb To uncover something, strip of covering, roofing etc; fig, to discover, reveal. 2. to display or make visible; hence: fig. to discover, reveal, make patent or known. 3. to uncover something, as to leave open or exposed, such as the head.
Unhelm vb To divest, or be deprived, of a helmet. 2. take off one's own helmet.
Unhelmed adj Unguided, ungoverned. 2. unlead, leaderless.
Unhelp n Hindrance, lack of help.
Unhelped adj Not helped.
Unhelpful adj Not helpful; unhelpfully.
Unhelpfulness n The state or quality of being unhelpful.
Unhelpfully adj Helpless; shiftless.
Unhemmed adj Unconfined, unrestrained. 2. not furnished with a hem.
Unherd vb To disperse, separate a flock, mob, crowd.
Unherdly adj Fierce, savage, repulsive. 2. dismal.
Unhersomeness n Disobedience.
Unhewn ppl Not cut or hacked with a weapon, cutting tool or similar implement. 2. not hewn or cut into shape; not fashioned or shaped by hewing. 3. unpolished, rough, rugged.
Unhid adj Not hid; unconcealed; unhidden.
Unhide vb To make visible or seen; to lay open, disclose, reveal.
Unhigh adj Wanting in high or elevation.
Unhight vb To deprive of grace, beauty.
Unhighted adj Not invested with beauty in form or aspect.
Un-highted-ness n Uncomeliness, impairment, unpleasantness (in aspect or form).
Unhill vb To remove a covering.
Unhindered adj Not hindered.
Unhinge vb Take a door off its hinges. 2. unsettle or disorder a person's mind; make or cause a person to be unstable or crazy.
Unhinged adj (Of a mind) unstable, distraught.
Unhit vb Not yet hit or struck.
Unhoard vb To take, release or bring out of a what has been hoard.
Unhold adj Of persons: unfaithful, disloyal, false. 2. of persons: exhibiting, dislike or hostility. 3. of events: troublesome, disastrous. 4. of an enemy or foe: hostile, unfriendly.
Unholiness n State or quality of being unholy, impious, profane, wicked. 2. profaneness, wickedness.
Unholy adj Not holy, impious, profane, wicked of persons, acts, things. 2. awful, dreadful; frightful.
Unhomish adj Not like or resembling a home: unfriendly, unwelcoming, uninviting, cold and unloving.
Unhomeliness n State or quality of being unlike a home: unfriendliness, unwelcoming, uninviting.
Unhomely adv Unfriendly, unwelcoming, unininviting.
Unhood vb To remove a hood or head-covering from a person or thing.
Unhook vb Remove from a hook or hooks. 2. unfasten by releasing a hook or hooks. 3. to loosen from a hook; to detach a hook from; to open.
Unhoop vb To remove hoops, as from a barrel.
Unhope n Despair; lack of hope, wanhope; wane-hope.
Unhoped phr Not hoped for or expected.
Unhopeful adj Not hopeful; pessimistic.
Unhopefully adv In an unhopeful or pessimistic manner.
Unhopefulness n The state or condition of not being hopeful or optimistic.
Unhoped-for adj Unexpected, unforeseen. 2. unconceived or imagined. 3. not anticipated with hope or desire; not hoped for or expected.
Unhorse vb To throw or drag from a horse. 2. to deprive or be deprived of a horse. 3. to help one dismount, to be thrown from a horse. 4. to unharness a horse from a carriage. 5. fig. to dislodge, overthrow, discomfort, non-plus.
Unhouse vb To turn out of a house, habitation or abode. 2. to make homeless or without a house to live in.
Unhoused adj Deprived, evicted or forced to leave a house.
Unhouseled adj Not having received the sacraments, especially at the hour of death. 2. 'husl' was a pagan sacrifice before it became attached to the Christian Eucharist.
Unhung adj Not(yet) executed by hanging. 2.not hung up fotr exhibition.
Unhunted adj Not hunted or pursued. 2. not sought or chased.
Unhusbanded adj Unimproved by husbandry; tilling, cultivation. 2. uncultivated of ground, plants, trees. 2. Not provided with a husband; single, divorced, unmarried.
Unhusk vb Remove or strip a husk or shell from.