The Anglish Moot
Old English sp English
Oak n Any tree or shrub belonging to the genus Quercus, of the beech family, bearing the acorn as fruit. 2. the hard, durable wood of such a tree, used in making furniture and in construction. 3. the leaves of this tree, especially as worn in a chaplet. 4. anything made of the wood of this tree, as an item of furniture, a door, etc.
Oak phr "Have Heart of Oak" - this famous sea song and naval march is from Garrick's pantomime, Harlequin's Invasion, with music by Dr Boyce. It was written in 1759, "the year of victories" at Quebec , hence the allusion to 'this wonderful year' in the opening lines. "Heart of Oak" refers, of course, to the timber from which ships were built.
Oak phr "Lock Something Up In an Old Oak Chest" - to put something in a safe place and out of mind.
Oak phr "Oak Before the Ash" - the old proverbial forecast, referring to which is in leaf first, says 'If the oak before the ash Then you'll only get a splash; If the ash precedes the oak, Then you may expect a soak. i.e. a wet summer is to be expected.
Oak phr "Tall Oaks from Little Acorns Grow" - even major enteprizes have small or humble beginnings
Oak phr "The Oaks" - "The Ladies Race", one of the classic races of the turf; it is for three year old fillies, and run at Epsom two days after the Derby. It was first run in 1759 and so called from the estate of the Earl of Derby near Epsom named "The Oaks."
Oak apple n A gall produced on an oak by an insect; also called nutgall.
Oak-apple Day n The 29th May, the birthday of Charles 11 and the day when he entered London at the Restoration ; commanded by Act of parliament in 1664 to be observed as a day of thanksgiving. People wore sprigs of oak with glided oak-appleson that day.
Oaked adj Of a wine: aged in oak so that it acquires flavor from tannins in the wood.
Oaken adj Made of wood of the oak. 2. of, pertaining to, or forming part of the oak. 3. formed of the oak, leaves, twigs. 4. consisting of oak trees.
Oak gall n A spongy spherical gall which forms on oak trees in response to the developing larvae of a gall wasp.
Oakiness n The property of being oaky.
Oakleaf n The leaf of the oak. 2. a device, badge or emblem shaped like the leaf of an oak, and indicating an award (usually military).
Oak-leaved adj Used in the name of various plants. The leaves of which resemble those of an oak.
Oak-like adj Resembling or having similarities to an oak leaf or tree.
Oaklungs n Oakwort.
Oakmoss n A lichen, Evernai pranosti, growing an oak and other trees, yielding a rein used inthe manufacture of perfume.
Oak-tree n Any tree of the genus Quercus.
Oakum n The coarse part of the flax separated in hackling. 2. tow clippings, trimmings, shreds, loose fibres, thrums.
Oakwort n Oaklungs.
Oaky adj Resembling oak; strong, firm., hard. 2. abounding in oaks.
Oar n A long shaft with a broad blade at one end, used as a lever for rowing or otherwise propelling or steering a boat. 2. something resembling this or having a similar purpose. 3. a person who rows; oarsman.
Oar vb To propel with or as if with oars; row. 2. to traverse or make (one's way) by, or as if by, rowing. 2. to row. 3. to move or advance as if by rowing.
Oar phr "Have an Oar in Every Boat" - have a hand in everyone's business or affairs.
Oar phr "Rest on One's Oars" - to cease to make an effort; relax after exertion; stop working after success or completing a task. 2. take a rest during a period of hard
Oar phr "Stick One's Oar in" - to meddle; interfere, interrupt: "He put in his oar and was told to mind his own business."
Oar-blade n The flanged portion of an oar, not the handle nor the shaft.
Oared adj Having oats.
Oarfish n A ribbon fish, Regalecus glesne.
Oarless adj Without or lacking oars.
Oar-like adj Resembling an oar or some aspect of one.
Oarlock n A rowlock.
Oar-man n A person who rows a boat, especially in a race; a rower.
Oarmanship n The art of rowing.
Oarweed n Any large marine alga.
Oary adj Of the nature of having the function of an oar; oar-like. 2. furnished with oars.
Oast n A kiln for drying malt or hops.
Oast-house n A building consisting of a kiln for drying hops.
Oat n A cereal grass, Avena sativa, cultivated for its edible seed. 2. usually, oats. ( used with a singular or plural verb ) the seed of this plant, used as a food for humans and animals. 3. any of several plants of the same genus, as the wild oat. 4. a musical pipe made of an oat straw (archaic). Oxford Dictionary, this word's origin is: "Old English āte, plural ātan, of unknown origin. Unlike other names of cereals (such as wheat, barley, etc.), oat is not a mass noun and may originally have denoted the individual grain, which may imply that oats were eaten in grains and not as meal."
Oat vb To feed a horse with oats.
Oat(s) phr "Feel One's Oats" -to feel frisky or lively. 2. to be aware of and use one's importance or power. 3. to feel exuberant 4. to display self-important; conceited.
Oat(s) phr "Get One's Oats" - to have sexual intercourse.
Oat phr "Off One's Oats" - unwell (and with poor appetite).
Oat(s) phr "One's Oats" - sexual gratification.
Oat(s) phr "Sow One's Wild Oats" - to indulge in adventure or promiscuity during youth; to indulge in youthful dissipation. 2. commit youthful excess or follies; spend one's early life in dissipation or dissolute course.
Oatcake n A thin savory biscuit, made in Scotland.
Oaten adj Made of oats.
Oaten-pipe n A rustic musical pipe made of oak straw so so cut as to be stopped at one end with a knot, the other being left open. a slit made in the straw near the knot was so cut as to form a reed.
Oater n A western film or "horse opera" (oats typical food of horses)
Oatgrass n Any of the various grasses of the genera Arrhenatheum.
Oath n A solemn of formal appeal to God, or to a deity, 'the great oath'.
Oath vb To make or swear an oath. 2. to utter an oath or oaths, to swear.
Oath phr "Be On, or Take, an Oath" - to swear, make or to bind oneself by an oath to tell the truth.
Oath phr "Under Oath" - having sworn a solemn oath.
Oath-bound adj Bound or true to an oath sworn.
Oath-breaker n Someone who breaks an oath.
Oath-breaking n The violation of an oath; perjury.
Oathless adj Without an oath or oaths.
Oat-like adj Resembling or characteristic of oats in some aspect.
Oatmeal n A meal ground from oats, used for porridge, oatcakes etc. 2. a cooked breakfast fod made from this. 3. a greyish-fawn colour; a grayish-yellow colour.
Oatmeal adj The mael of oats. 2. porridge made from oatmeal
Oat-monger n A dealer in oats. 2. a dealer or monger of oats; oat-monger.
Oath-worthy adj Worthy of credit on oath; worthy to be sworn before.
Oaty adj Of the nature of, or full of oats, esp. wild oats.