The Anglish Moot
Old English sp English
Mad adj Suffering from mental disease, crazy, loopy, lunatical, angry, mad at.
Mad-blooded adj Genetically mad. 2. mad in the blood. 3. wild, furious, hot-headed.
Mad-brained adj A scatter-brained, mad-headed, loopy, crazy, uncontrolled.
Madden vb To become mad, angry or furious.
Maddened pp Driven out of one's mind; excited to frenzy or uncontrolled anger, frenzy, irrability.
Maddeningly adv In a maddening manner, madding.
Madder n A herbaceous climbing plant, Rubia tinctorum.
Madding adv Becoming madly, acting madly, frenziedly.
Maddle vb To be or becoming crazy, to be confused in the mind, to become dotingly fond. 2. to craze, confuse, bewilder.
Mad-house n Lunatic asylum, place for the dectection of the insane.
Madling n A mad creature, one who acts wildly or foolishly.
Madly adv In a mad, foolish or insane madly. 2. passionately, fervently, extremely, somewhat excessively.
Madman n A lunatic, maniac, nut-case.
Madme n A mathen, a precious thing, treasure, valuable gift.
Madness n State or condition of being mad, insane, foolish. 2. madship.
Madstone n A stone supposed to have the power of allaying or curing madness or insanity caused by the bite of a wild animal or a rabid beast, such as a snake-bite or dog with rabies.
Madwort n A herb of the genus, Alyssum; the trailing Catchweed: a plant(s) supposed to control or allay anger.
Maid n A shortened form of maiden. ???? -- the maid of god: "Joan of Arc."
Maid phr "To stand on the maid." -- to remain single. 2. transfig: a man that abstains from sexual intercourse.
Maiden n ????? A clothes' horse, a washerman's dolly.
Maiden-monger n
Maiden-gem n Virginity, maidenhood.
Maiden hair n The name of certain ferns having fine-hair-like stalks and delicate fronds, such as Capillus -venerus. 2. the spleenwort, various plants of the genus, "Asplenium."
Maiden-hair tree n A name for the gingko
Maidenhead n State or condition of a maiden, virgin or a young girl. 2. virginity. 3. hymen.
Maiden-thought n Keat's term for the stage of human development after "the infant or thoughtless chamber" (stage). 2. Time of innocence or untarnished hope.
Maidenhood n The condition of being a maiden or a young girl. 2. time of life during which one is a maiden.
Maidenish adj Resembling a maiden; characteristic of a maiden, (often used in a deprecating sense.)
Maiden-like adv Such as is like with maidens; befitting of a maiden; maidenly.
Maidenliness n Quality of being a maiden, maidenly; behaviour proper of a maiden.
Maidenship n The personality of a man. 2. behaviour proper to a maiden.
Maiden speech n The first or maiden speech delivered by newly elected member of parliament.
Main n Physical strength, force, or power, 'with might or main.' 2. of a thing; power, virtue, efficacy. 3. a host of men, military force. 3. "The Main" : the high sea, main sea, open sea or ocean. 4. a broad expanse, such as a continent. 5. the most important part of some business, subject, argument; etc.; chief matter, principal thing. 6. phrases: "upon the main" --- for the most part; in all essential points; chief or principal part; important or essential paint, as in the main of all. 6. object aimed at; end, purpose. 7. principal channel, duct for conveying water, electricity, sewage, gas along or through a city. 8. main or mains lands, demesne lands -- the farm attached to a mansion house, the farmhouse.
Main adj Strong, vigourous, mighty; possessed of , manifesting or exerting great physical strength or force. 2. said of acts or activities which implies force or energy. 3. epithet of force, strength, sheer force. 3. of an army: great in number, numerous, powerful in arms. 4. of drink: potent, intoxicating. 5. voice or cry: loud. 6. of a storm: violent, raging. 6. of materials or things: great in bulk and dimension; of a large quantity or amount. 7. solid and massy of earth, rock. 8. of land, country: contintental, mainlandish. 8. of an affair: highly important, momentous, impactive, consequential. 9. of a person: great, mighty in rank, power or position.
Main drag n The main street of a town.
Mainland n A principal body of land. 2. a continent as distinguished from an island.
Mainlander n A dweller on a mainland.
Mainless adj Powerless, without force, of little might. 2. unimportant, minor in rank or position. 3. few in number, unnumerous, not many. 4. small, little, tiny.
Mainline n Principal or chief line of a railway, main route or road. 2. principal or important position, mainstream. 3. a large or principal vein into which drugs can be readily injected.
Mainly adv
Mainspring n The chief motive power. 2. the main incentive.
Main-stay n Chief support; that on which one mainly relies.
Main stem n The main street. 2. the main line of a railway. 3. a preeminent person.
Mainstream n The prevailing direction of opinion, fashion, society. ?????
Mainstreamer n A musician etc., who is the mainstream or chief influence of his profession.
Mainstreet n The principal street of a city , town, esp. in the USA. (frequently use as a proper name.
Mainstreet adj Symbol of mediocrity, parochialism or materialism in a small town.
Mainstreeting n A political campaign, or sometimes other types of campaign, conducted by politicians or promoters in the main street of a city to ensure maxium exposure of their message.
Mainward n The main body of an army.
Make n
Make vb
Make after vb To go in pursuit of; pursue, follow.
Make against vb To be unfavourable to. 2. to militate or tell against. 3. to make hostile movement towards.
Make-believe n Pretence, wishful thinking, daydreaming.
Make-believer n One who makes believe or pretends.
Make-do adj Characterised by makeshift methods. 2. survive or sustain by the bare necessities.
Makedom n Form, shape, esp.,elegant form, shapeliness, comeliness.
Makeless adj Matchless, without equal, peerless.
Make for vb To operate in favour of. 2. be favourable to. 3. to tend to the progress or advancement of. favour, further.
Make-fire n
Make or break phr
Maker n
Makeshift adj A temporary or improvised solution. 2. a temporary substitute of an inferior kind; also transfig. of a person. 3. of a person: roguish, shifty, cunning.
Make-shiftness n Condition of being makeshift, temporary, inferior.
Make-talk n Sai for the sake of talking. 2. idle chatter.
Make-up n The manner, character or temperament of a person. 2. appearance of face, dress, in order to impersonate a character. 3. cosmetics, paint for actors,but generally for women. 4. a maded-up story, invention or fiction. 5. compensation. 6. the balancing of a accounts at the end of period.
Make-work n Work or activity of little or no value devised mainly to keep someone busy.
Making-up n Reconciliation,
Mallow n
Mallow-wort n A plant of the N.O. Malvaceae.
Mallum n A shire moot, meeting, discussion. 2. the hundred-court among the Franks, (by modern historians sometime used as the name of a common Germanic institution, and also attributed to the anglo-saxons.)
Malm n A soft friable rock, consisting of a chalky material. 2. the light loamy soil formed by the disengration of this rock.
Malmstone n
Malmy adj Resembling a stratum or vein of malmstone.
Malshave n A caterpillar.
Malt n
Man n
Manath n Man oath. 2. false oath, perjury, --- modern form would be moan oath.
Man-child n A male child.
Mane n
Maneater n Cannibal, head-hunter. 2. a shark which attacks swimmers. 3. a tiger which attacks and kills humans. 4. a woman who treats men emotionally badly.
Maneless adj
Manful adj Characterised by manly courage, resolution, bravery. 2. stately appearance; appearance befitting a man.
Manfully adv In a manful manner; in a manly way, resolutely, valiantly.
Man-hardy adj Brave, courageous, manly.
Mang vb To mix, mung, mong, mingle
Manifold adj
Man of mould n Mortal man: man who become dust or mould again after death.
Many adj OE. had a derivative "menige" that did not survive into ME. and though the modern use of many, though agreeing with the OE. form, was a new development which has not been found earlier than the C16th. ?????///
Manyfold adj Etymological identical with manifold, though rarely used in the same sense (= in the proportion of many to one.)
Many-folds n The intestines, from having many folds. 2. the tharms.
Manhandle vb
Man-hater n A hater of mankind; misanthrope; also occas. a hater of the male sex.
Manhead n State of being human. 2. condition of belonging to humanity. 3. human shape or form. 4. human nature. 5. quality of being human. 6. virility, manhood, courage, valour. 7. manly dignity; dignity of manhood. 8. homage. 9. humanity. humanness, kindness.
Manhood n State or condition of being human; human nature. 2. dignity of man. 3. state of being a man, as opposed to a child; as opposed to woman-hood. 4. qualities eminently becoming a man; manliness, courage, valour. 5. humanity, humanness. 6. homage. 7. men collectively.
Man-hunter n Cannibal, man-eater, slave-dealer, brigand.
Manifold adj
Manifoldly adv
Manifoldness n Quality or condition of being manifold, varied in character; multiplicity.
Manifoldwise adv In various ways.
Mankeen adj Of animals (rarely persons): inclined to attack men. 2. fierce, savage, wild. 2. of women: fond of men 3. infuriated, furious, fierce, mad.
Mankind n The human race, human nature.
Manless adj Having no men, either in the sense of human beings or adult persons; folkless. 2. of a woman: lacking the company of men, having no husband or suitor. 3. unmanly, effeminate, inhuman.
Manlessness n Cowardice. 2. of women: the state or condition of being without men or manless.
Manlihead n The condition of being human, virility, courage, bravery.
Manlihood n
Manlike adj
Manliness n
Manling n A little man
Manly adv
Man-mad adj
Manning n The action of furnishing a ship with men.
Mannish n People, a class of person. //////
Mannishness n
Man-of-law n Lawyer, solicitor, solon, counsellor.
Man-of-the-world n Secular person.??????
Man-of-the-worldness n
Manrede n Homage; note phrases: " to do or make manrede; to take, nim, or fang manrede." 2. vassals collectively: the men the lord can call upon in time of war, hence a supply of me for the purpose of war. 3. the position of a leader of fighting men; the conduct of an army. 4. carnal intercourse.
Manship n Humanity, kindness, courtesy, civility. 2. homage, worship, honour, dignity. 3. courage, valour, manliness. 4. condition of being a man.
Manship vb To denote skill in a subject or activity now so deployed to disconcert a rival or opponent. 2. used as a suffix in words such as "one-upmanship."
Manslaught n Murder, homicide, manslaughter.
Manslaughter n
Manslay vb
Manslayer n 2. an executioner. ?????
Manswear vb To swear falsely, perjure oneself. 2. to renounce on oath, forswear.
Manswearing n Perjury, false swearing on oath.
Mantle n Foam that covers the surface of liquid. 2. the green vegetable coating on standing or stagnant water.
Manward adv In relation to a man, pertaining to a man. 2. in the direction of a man.
Man-woman n A hermaphrodite, a mannish woman, one having the characteristics of both sexes, man-womanly.
Many adj OE. had a derivative "menige" that did not survive into ME. and though the modern use of many, though agreeing with the OE. form, was a new development which has not been found earlier than the C16th. ?????///
Manyfold adj Etymological identical with manifold, though rarely used in the same sense (= in the proportion of many to one.)
Many-folds n The intestines, from having many folds. 2. the tharms.
Manyfull adj Abundant, plentiful, many in number.
Many-hede n A multitude
Manyness n Plurality, numerosity.
Many-sided adj Multilateral, having many aspects, bearings, capabilities, possibilities.
Many-sideness n Multilaterality, having many sides, many possibilties.
Many-where adv In many places.
Maple n Any of the trees of the genus "Acer." 2. the common maple: "Acer campestre."
Mar n Blemish, disfiguring mark, injury.
Mar vb OE. to waste, squander (property) 2. to hamper, hinder, interfere with interruption or stoppage (person, event or thing.) 3. to spoil, impair with objective. 4. a material thing: to damage or render useless, to destroy or impair the quality of. 4. with immaterial object: to impair, fatally ruin. 5. to detract from the perfection or completeness of. 6. to become deteriorated, to spoil, to perish. 7. to harm, injure a person, to inflict destructive bodily harm upon; to mangle, disfigure. 8. to ruin, damage seriously (a person, his fortune.) 9. to ruin or damage morally, to spoil a child by indulgence. confuse, bewilder, perplex; to become bewildered or confused, . 11. to trouble, grieve, distress. 12. to err, go astray, falter.
March-land n (Mearc-land) land comprising the marches or borders areas of a country. 2. the border territory, frontier land, the mark.
March-man n An inhabitant of the marches or borders.
Marchstone n A markstone: a stone set up to mark a boundary of an estate or area.
Mare n The mother or dam of a horse. 2, a bricklayer's hod.
Mare n A kind of goblin supposed to produce a nightmare by sitting on the chest of the sleeper. 2. the nightmare or elf-addle itself; the blues, melancholies. 3. a spectre, hag.
Mare's-nest n (Horse's nest?) To imagine that one has found something wonderful, which in fact has no existence at all. Nb- "I have found a mare's nest." 2. an illusory discovery, esp. one that is much vaunted and displays foolish credulity.
Mark n A boundary, frontier, limit. 2. of immaterial things: a limit or precise boundary, line or point. 3. an object indicting a boundary, position etc., a visible mark or something marked. 4. a pillar, post, stone, fence to indicate a position of a boundary. 5. a stone or other monument set up or standing as a memorial or guide. 6. a standard or banner. 7. target for shooting or throwing at. 8 quarry of a hawk. 9. pit of the stomach (slang) 10. a boxer's object at which a blow is aimed. 11. a soft or easy mark.
Mark vb
Mark-down n A reduction in price of an article; a selling price which has been reduced. ( the opposite of mark-up)
Markedly adv In a marked manner or degree. 2. ????
Marked man n One whose conduct is watched with hostile intent. 2. one who is kept in mind as an object for suspicion or vengeance.
Markedness n The condition or quality or state of being marked.
Marker n In linguistics a construction or form etc., distinguished or determined by a particular feature. 2. a markling: a word, affix, etc., which distinguishes or determines the class or function of the form, construction etc., with which it is used.
Market n A place where merchandise is exposed for sale, specifically, an open space or a large building in a town or city, generally with stalls or designated positions occupied by different dealers, especially such a place for the sale of provisions ; also a market place or marketstead.
Market vb
Market phr "To run before one's horse to market: to count one's gain before the bargain is made or to count one's chickens before they are hatched."
Market phr "On the market." -- to be readied and offered for sale.
Marketing n
Market-monger n One who trades his wares at a market.
Markless adj Without a mark or mark; impeccable.
Markmoot n A (supposed) assembly of the inhabitants of the Moot ( name in medieval Germany applied to a tract of land held in common by a village community, and sometimes applied to Anglo-saxon society and times.
Marksman n One skilled in hitting the mark, as with a rifle or other weapon. 2. sharpshooter, rifle expert.
Marksmanship n The quality, art or function of shooter.
Markstone n A boundary stone, a marker, monument.
Mark-up n The amount added by a retailer to the cost of athe price of goods to cover overhead charges and provide profit.
Markworthy adj Worthy of note, worthy-marked.
Marmstone n Marble, a block or slab of marble.
Marrow n soft vascular tissue in the central cavities of bone. 2. the interior substance of anything; essence, pith.
Marrow-bone n A bone containing edible marrow. 2. jocularly -- the knees. 3. the piratical crossbones.
Marsh n
Marshal n
Marshiness n The state or condition of being marshy.
Marshmallow n A plant of the mallow family, "Althaea officinalis" growing in marshy places. 2. a sweetmeat formerly made from the root of this plant; now a confection made of starch, corn syrup and gelatin, coated with powdered sugar.
Marshwort n The umbelliferous plant "Helosciadum nodiflorous."
Martyr n
Martyrdom n
Mash n In brewing, malt mixed with hot water to form wort. 2. a mixture of boiled grains. 3. something reduced to a softy pulpy consistence, by heating or mixing or steeping in water. 4. a confused muddle, hash. 5. a state of being reduced by a soft mash. 6. in winemaking the crushed grapes before fermentation. 7. (slang) a person on whom one is "mashed" or completely infatuated.
Mash vb To mix malt with hot water in brewing. 2. to brew ale, beer and some other alcoholic drinks. 3. to infuse tea. 4. to lixiviate. 5. to beat into a soft pulp or soft mass. 6. to pound or stomp one's way. 7. to admit of being crushed. 8. to reduce food to a homogenous mass. 9. to mix, mingle.
Mashwort n Wort, infused malt, mash fat.
Mask n OE. a net
Masker vb OE. malscrian:proud. 2. to bewilder, confuse, to be bewildered.
Maskering n Bewilderment, confusion.
Masking n Bewildering, confusing. 2. netting, ensnaring, trammeling.
Mass n The eucharistic service. 2. the celebration of the Eucharistic.
Mast n Any large upright pole. 2. a pole of round timber or tubular iron, set upright in a sailing vessel to sustain the yard. 3. a large, upright pole. 4.
Mast phr "Before the mast." serving as a common sailor on a navy ship, from the fact that common sailors were quartered before the foremast.
Mast n The fruit of the oak, the beech and other trees, acorns. 2. fodder, feed.
Mast vb To feed animals on mast; to fatten. 2. to feed oneself gluttonously
Master n Late OE. one having control or authority. 2. chief, head, director, teacher.
Masterdom n
Masterful adj
Mastercraft n
Masterwort n After german meisterwurz: "Peucedanum (Imperatoris ) Ostruthium.
Masty adj Producing mast. 2. of a swine: fattened. 3. burly, big-bodied
Mat n Floor-covering ????
Matted adj Tangled, entwined ????
Match n One of an associated pair; well-matched or accordant pair. 2. a husband or wife, a mate, consort, lover. 3. one equal in age, rank, status. 4. an opponent, rival, antagonist, as in "meet one's match;" "more than a match for;" or "above one's match" 5. a suitable conjunction or pairing. 6. a matrimonial compact or alliance. 7. to make or arrange a match. 8. to bring about a marriage by influence or contrivance.
Match vb To join one to another; to join in marriage. 2. to pair with view to fitness or suitability. 3. to be equal with.
Matchless adj Unmarried, nubile, that is not a match or pair. 2. having no match, with an equal; peerless.
Matchmake vb To plot or contrive a marriage; to arrange a marriage; to be involved in matchmaking.
Matchmaker n One who arranges marriages; a match-monger, matchbroker.
Match-making n The action of bringing about or arranging a marriage. 2. one who professionally brings about or negotiates marriages. 3. one who schemes in arranging a marriage for political or financial reasons.
Match-monger n A match-maker, match-broker, one who arranges marriages either as a culture norm or professionally.
Mathele n A talker, a gossiper, chatterer, a female chatterer.
Matlock n An instrument or tool, shaped like a pick-axe, used for loosening the soil in digging.
Maugh n OE. maegh: kinsman. 2. OE: boy, young man, knave. 3. a near male relative by marriage: a brother-in-law; son-in-law.
Maund adj A wicker or other woven basket. 2. a basketful or a measure of capacity, varying from locality and commodity. Nb: " a hop-mound." -- a vessel used in breweries.
Maw n The stomach. This word now signifies the stomach of birds and animals, but formerly meant that of a human being. 2. the cavity of the stomach (now used only in ludicrous sense). 3. the last of the four stomachs of a ruminant. 4. the belly, gullet. throat. 5. the womb, liver, the innermost recesses of the body. 6. (metaphorically): voracity, gluttony, appetite. 8. the honey making apparatus of a bee. 9. the crop of a bird. 10. " to chaw one's maw." -- to fret internally."
Maw-bound adj In Cheshire, a phrase, meaning costiveness, constipation.
Maw-mother n A woman experiencing false conception or false pregnancy.
May vb Verb used to express possibility, permission, contingency, concession, purpose, result. 2. wish or a prayer. 3. power, ability, to be able, now can.
May n A son, boy, a male relative, kinsman.
May n. A girl, a maiden, a sweetheart (from the A.S. Maeg).