The Anglish Moot
Old English sp English
At prp In or very near a particular place.  2. at that precise position; 'at Jack’s house.' 3. (indicating time) simultaneous, during, as at six o’clock; 'at closing time;  at night. 4. in the direction of (often in an unfocused or uncaring manner), as 'he shouted at her.' 5. occupied in (activity), as in 'men at work.' 6. indicates a position on a scale or in a series, as in 'Elroy finished the round at tenth, seven strokes behind the leaders.'  7. because of, as 'to laugh at a joke.' 8. holding a given speed or rate, as 'it is growing at the rate of 3% a year.' or 'at 50 kpm' 9. In a state of as, 'she is at sixes and sevens with him, they are at loggerheads.'
At n The @ symbol.
At phr "At All" - in the slightest degree or to any extent, at least bit. 3. in the least. 3. in any way.
At phr "At all Times" - always; on all occasions.
At phr "At a Run" - moving at the speed of running, etc. 2. fast, brisk, slow, gentle.
At phr "At a Time" - in sequence, separately.
At phr "At a Time Like this" - at such a time, esp. an important time, or a time unsuitable for something to take place or be done.
At phr "At Best" - taking the most favorable view. 2. choosing the most hopeful possibility.
At phr "At Bottom" - fundamentally, essentially, whether this is apparent or not; at heart.
At phr "At First" - at, or in, the beginning with; at the time of something starting, or starting something.
At phr "At First Light" - at dawn.
At phr "At First Sight" - when first seen; when first considered; at first blush.
At phr "At Full Speed" - at the maximum rate of movement, or progress, appropriate to somebody, something.
At phr "At Hand" - close by. 2. about to hand.
At phr "At Heart" - in one's real nature.
At phr "At Heel" - following close behind.
At phr "At Home"- At the home teams field or ground. 2. at, to or towards the place you live. 3. a reception held in your own home.
At phr "At It" - engaged in an activity; doing something; working hard.
At phr "At Large" - (adv phr) in a general fashion, in a broad way. 2. (adj phr)- having escape or avoid incarceration.
At phr "At Last" - in the end result of a succession or process. 2. finally, ultimately, in the end, at long last. 3. at the end of a period of time; after a long time of waiting, wishing or striving for somebody, something. 4. at the last or during the final period. 5. at long last.
At phr "At Least" - at the least estimate, consideration, chance, etc. 3. having no less than; hence at any rate. 3. at all events, even.
At phr "At Length" - (adv phr)- in a verbose, lengthy or prolix manner. 2. lengthily.
At phr "At Long Last" - after a particularly long time of waiting, wishing or striving for somebody, something. 2. at last.
At phr "At Once" - (adv phr) - without delay or hesitation. 2. with no time intervening, now, right away. at a shot, immediately.
At phr "At One" - (adv phr) - after one fashion, alike. 2. in agreement, or concord.
At phr "At One and the Same Time" - simultaneously, at the same time.
At phr "At One Blow" - by means of one action or effort. 2. at one fell swoop.
At phr "At One's Behest" - in obedience to somebody's command, or in compliance to somebody's request (often with the implication of unwillingness)
At phr "At One's Bidding" - in obedience to somebody's command, or in compliance (often unwillingly) with somebody's request.
At phr "At One's Elbow" - very near one; with arm's reach.
At phr "At One Sitting" - during the course of one meeting. 2. in one period of activity.
At phr 'At One Time or Another" - on an occasion or on different occasions in the past. 2. the precise time of date of which is not recalled, not given or not known.
At phr "At Sight" - as soon as something/somebody is seen; on sight. 2. at the sight of.
At phr "At Somebody's Hands" - through the action or agency of(usually with unjust or cruel implication).
At phr "At That" - moreover, too; also a surprising, noteworthy addition. 2. whereupon, immediately; subsequent to that. 3. thus far and no further, or as well. 4. possibly, now one comes to think about that. 5. according to that; in that way of thinking, reckoning, behaving ; in that case etc.
At phr "At the Best of Times" - even when conditions are most favorable. 2. at any time and especially now.
At phr "At the Foot of One's Bed" - in or near the bed at the end farthest away from the occupant's head.
At phr "At the Most" - in an amount not greater than. 2. to a degree or extent not more than, something specified, but likely to being less than.
At phr "At the Outside" - at the highest estimate, or reckoning, of a possible number ofr amount of time, money, material; at the most.
At phr "At the Same Time" - in spite of something already known, mentioned; nevertheless. 2. however, all or just the same. 2. not at a different time; simultaneously; at once.
At phr "At the Sight of" - when, or because, somebody/something is seen. 2. at sight.
At phr "At the Time" - then; when something specified was, will be happening.
At phr "At the Time of Speaking" - now; then.
At phr "At Top Speed" - very fast; as fast as possible.
At phr "At Will" - as one wishes; by willing something. exercising the power of mind over matter.
At phr "At Worst" - taking the least favorable view. 2. choosing the least hopeful possibility.
At phr "Where It's At" - (slang) the fashionable scene or activity.
A'tame vb To tame, subdue
At'bear vb To hear to, to bring.
At'blench vb To deceive. 2. to escape.
At'blow vb To blow at.
At'braid vb Snatch or draw away
At'break vb To break away; escape from.
At'burst vb To burst away, escape.
At'come vb To come away; escape.
At'creep vb To creep away.
At'dare vb To escape from hiding.
A'tee vb Drag or draw away
Atel adj Terrible, hideous, foul.
Atelich adj Atel-like, frightful, horrible, terrible, hideous, horrible, ugly.
A'tell vb To count, reckon, enumerate
Atend vb Set fire to, set on fire, kindle. 2. take fire.
A'tene vb Vex, irritate, annoy.
At erst adv At first, at the beginning.
A'tew vb To show, to show oneself, appear.
At'fall vb To fall away, to fall down, drop.
At'fang vb To sieze upon, at'fong.
Atfare vb Go away, set forth, escape, flee, atflee.
At'flee vb To flee.
At'fong vb. To seize upon, atfang.
At'fore adv. In front of, before. 2. in the pressure of, in the sight of, before. 3. before in time or order.
At'go vb To go to, approach. 2. to go away, pass away
A'that prp Until, till.
A'that adv Until, till.
Athel n One who is noble, a lord, chief.
Athel adj Of persons: good of family, noble of birth and character, eminent. 2. of things, of actions, character; noble, excellent, fine, pleasant, grand, splendid
Athele vb To honour, dignify.
Atheling n Member of nobility or noble family, prince, lord, barren, royal heir-apparent. 2. in OE poetry: men. 3. in later writing restricted to royal blood.
Athelmood n Noble-minded
A'thester vb Grow dim, darken, become obscure.
At'hind adv Behind.
A'think vb Became 'ofthink' - to repent.
A'think phr "It A'thinks Me" - it repents me.
Athinking n Repentance.
Athirst adj Suffering from or overtaken by thirst, thirsting. 2. fig. eager, earnest, desiring (athirst for knowledge).
A-this-half adv On this side
At'hold vb Withstand, keep back. 2. to restrain, detain a person. 3. to keep a thing in one's possession. 4. to keep in existence, maintain, preserve. 5. to keep in consideration, concern, give heed to. lay fast to, lay hold of; arrest, put under arrest.
At-home adv In one's home, in one's own home. 2. prepared to recieve visitors; to be acessible to callers. 3. in one's immediate neighbour. 4. near at hand. 5. home in one's own country. 6. at ease, as if in one's own home, hence also fig. 7. thoroughly, familiar or conversant with, well-practiced in.
At-homeish adj Somewhat inclined to be at-home or within the home. 2. belonging to or suited for being or staying at home; domesticated.
At-homeishly adv In an 'at-home' manner.
At-homeishiness n In the state or condition of being 'at-home.'
A'thrill adv In a thrill; thrillingly.
A'throat vb To throttle, strangle.
A'throng adv With a throng, throngingly, crowded.
A'thrysm vb To suffocate, stifle, choke, kill. Nb: 'throsm.'
A'tilt adv In a tilted, leaning or slanted fashion.
A'tire vb To cease, be weary, fail.
At'lead vb To lead or take away.
At'let vb To let away, let go from consideration; hence to neglect, disregard, pardon.
At'lie vb To lie idle or fallow.
At'low adv To be in a low position.
At'lutien vb To hide away, escape notice, lurk.
At'old adj Too old, very old.
Atone vb Make amends, expiate (for a wrong). 2. make repayment for; make amends to/ or.
Atonemaker n One who sets at one persons of variance; a mediator, an at-one-maker, a reconciler.
Atonemaking n At-one-making; reconciliation.
At-oneness n The state of being at one (with), harmony, a harmonious relationship.
Atoner n At-one-(e)r, one who reconciles; reconciles an expiation.
Atoning n At-one-ing; reconciling, making reparation for offences, expiating.
Atoningly adv At-one-ingly; in an reconciling manner by way of expiation of an offence.
Atop adv On or at the top.
Atop prp On the top of.
A'tride vb To ride away escape.
A'trine vb To touch, concern.
A'troke vb To fail; faint.
A'trout vb To rush away, escape.
At'sake vb To flee away.
At'shake vb To shake off.
At'shoot vb To shoot away.
At'sit vb To remain sitting, stay, abide.
At'spring vb To spring forth into existence, originate.
At'stand vb To stand still, remain. 2. to come to a standstill; to stop. 3. to make a hostile stand. 4. to resist, withstand. 5. to stand to, stand close to, to press or throng.
Atter n Venom, poison, esp that of a reptile. 2. gall; also fig: foul matter, pus from a sore, ulcer, abscess.
Atter vb To envenom, poison. 2. to embitter; fig. mix with gall
Attercop n Spider. 2. fig applied to a venomous, malignant person. 3. misapplied to a 'spider's web.'
Attering adj Poisoning, galling, venomous.
Atterlike adj Venomous, poisonous, galling, bitter.
Atterling n A malignant person, a shrew.
Atterlo(a)the n An antidote to poison; an alexipharmic, (applied spec. to several plants.
Attern adj Venomous, poisonous, malignant.
Atterness n Malignancy, bitterness, gallness, venom.
Attery adj. Mixed with gall, bitter, fig. purulent. 2. venomous, poisonous, malicious, spiteful. 3. full of morbid or bloody matter.
A'tumble adv In a tumbling way or manner; tossing.
A'twain adv In, or into, two parts; in two. 2. away from each other, asunder.
Atween adv In between, between while.
A'twend vb To go away, escape.
A'twin vb To separate, part.
A'twind vb To escape, depart, cease.
Atwite vb To cast imputation on, reproach, upbraid, taunt, blame. 2. to reproach a thing with a person.
Atwitng n Reproaching, reproach, taunt.
Atwo adv In or into two parts; atwain. 2. away from each other, apart, asunder.
Atwrench vb To escape by one's wiles.