The Anglish Moot
Old English sp English.
Ar pfx Reduced in OE: to 'a'
Arace vb Pull up, snatch, tear up, uproot
Archangel n 'Arch' translated into OE by 'high' 2. an angel of the highest rank.
Archbishop n The chief bishop. 2. the highest dignitary in an episcopal church, superintending the bishops of his province.
Archbishop vb To act as an archbishop. 2. to make or create an archbishop.
Archbishopric n The see, jurisdiction, rank or office of archbishop.
Archdeacon n The chief deacon.
Archfoe n The great or arch enemy, the Devil, Satan, Lucifer. 2. son of wickedness, the wicked-one, father of all lies, devil of all devils, son of darkness, the evil-one, angel of the bottomless pit, man of sin, old-bendy, old harry, old hornie, old ned, old sooty, old Mr Grim, master of hell, god-foe, hell-devil, hell-fiend, hellgod, king of hell, old-hairy toe, angel of darkness, dark-elf, thurse, the foul-thief.
Are n Honor, reverence. 2. clemency, grace.
Are vb To show grace or clemency. 2. to respect, spare.
Are vb Present plural indicative of be, from Old English earun (Mercian), aron (Northumbrian). Also from Old Norse cognates. In 17c., began to replace be, ben as first person plural present indicative in standard English. The only non-dialectal survival of be in this sense is the powers that be. But in southwest England, we be (in Devonshire us be) remains non-standard idiom as a contradictory positive ("You people aren't speaking correct English." "Oh, yes we be!"). (Online Etymology Dictionary)
Are phr "Are We Downhearted? - No!" - a dated catchphrase from WW2 concerning the refusal to allow oneself be depressed by the dire situation.
Are phr "Are You Deaf" - a rhetorical question asked to confront a non-deaf person who has been rudely neglecting to hear something.
Are phr "Are Your Ears Burning" - said of somebody who is not present but is the topic of conversation
Areach vb To reach, (get at) with a weapon0 2. fig. to obtain. 3. to hand, deliver. 4. to reach, extend.
Aread n (Arede, areed) - counsel, advice.
Areadily adv Readily, easily, suitably.
Areadiness n Readiness, preparedness.
Aready adj Ready, prepared, in readiness
Aready vb to make ready.
Arear vb To raise, erect, build, rear up (an edifice.) 2. to set up, establish (an institution) 3. to lift up, to raise (in local position). 4. to raise (an animal) on ts hind legs. 5. fig. in various senses: to raise in rank, honourable position or estimation, etc.; to exalt, raise a shout. 6. to startle or flush an animal from its lair. 7. to rouse into activity,arouse, excite, stir up. 8. to raise (a person) agaist it. 9. a raise levy (troops. 10. to rise up, get up. 11. to arise, happen, occur. 12. to raise up as a horse. does.
Arearer n One who rears, lifts up or elevates.
Areche vb To explain, expand, declare in the open. 2. utter, speak.
Arede vb Determine by counsel, decree. 2. declare by supernatural counsel, divine augur, soothsay, vaticanize, prophesy. 3. in a general sense; utter, declare, make known, tell, ajudge, decide, interpret, counsel
Aredde vb Set free, liberate, rid of, deliver
Arepe vb To take hold of, seize
Arese vb To shake violently
Arethede n People of former times, of the erewhile, of antiquity, The Eretheod, The Erethede
Areward adv Formerly, before, ereward
Arfname n Inheritor, heir
Argh n Wretch, betrayer, enemy.
Argh adj Cowardly, pusillaminous, timid, fearful. 2. inert, sluggish, slow, lazy, loath, reluctant. 3. vile, bad, base, good-for-nothing.
Argh(e) vb To make disheartened, timid, fearful, hestitant because of fear.
Arghhood n Cowardice, timidness.
Arghly adv Cowardly, timidly, basely, bad (in OE.)
Arghness n The state or quality of being cowardly or timid; cowardice, pusillanimous, badness.
Arghship n Arghness, badness.
Aridge adv In a ridge, in a ridge-like position
Aright vb Make right, to put right, to arrange or treat properly.
Aright adv In a right way or manner; rightly, properly, correctly. 2. straight, straight ahead, in a straight-line, straight- awayly. 3. on the right hand or side.
Aright adj Straight, direct, right.
Aright-half n On the right side, rightly.
Arightly adv Aright, arightly.
Arime vb. Count, enumerate, reckon, tell.
Arine vb Touch
A'ring adv In a circumference
Arise vb To come up from a lower to a higher position. 2. to arise from a kneeling posture. 3. to come up from one's bed or place of repose; to get up. 4. to spring up; to come into action, being, or notice; to become operative, sensible, or visible; to begin to act a part; to present itself.
Arise phr "Arise From" - have its origins in; be due to; be caused by.
Ariseness n A rising; resurrection.
Arising adj Coming above the horizon (of the sun). 2. coming back from the dead; resurrecting. 3. getting up from a chair, seat etc. 4. getting up from sleep or rest. 5. getting up from inaction. 6. arising in agitation, rebellion, insurrection. 7. springing up, ascending, 8. originating, being born, coming into existence.
Arisings n Waste products or by-products of an industrial process.
Arist n Sunrise. 2. the act of arising, from a seat, bed, a chair. 3. resurrection -rise from the dead.
Ark n A chest, coffer; floating vessel built by Noah. 2. a large box with a flat lid. 3. the ship built by Noah to save his family and a collection of animals from the deluge. 4. something affording protection; safety, shelter, refuge. 5. a spacious type of boat with a flat bottom. 6. in Judaism, a consecrated container.
Ark vb To shut up in an ark.
Ark phr "Out of the Ark"- very old; very old-fashioned.
Ark phr "To Lay Hands on the Ark" - to treat irreverently what is sacred.
Ark-floater n An aged actor, (a term somewhat dated)
Arkful(l) adj An assemblage as numerous and diverse as that which Noah's Ark could hold or contain. 2. an enough to fill an ark; a very large number.
Arkwright n A cabinet or chest maker.
Arling n A bird, the wheatear.
Arm n The portion of the upper human appendage, from the shoulder to the wrist and sometimes including the hand. 2. in anatomy, - the extended portion of the upper limb, from the shoulder to the elbow. 3. limb, or locomotive or prehensile organ, of an invertebrate animal, as the arms of an octopus. 4. A long, narrow, more or less rigid part of an object extending from the main part or centre of the object, such as the arm of a crane. 5. a bay or inlet off a main body of water. 6. branch of an organization. 7. (fig.) power; might; strength; support, as the arm of the law
Arm vb OE: to furnish or supply with arms, bracts or branches, etc. 2. to take by the arm. 2. to take in one's arms.
Arm vb To be pitied, pitiful, wretched; armthe.
Arm adj Poor, needy, indigent.
Arm n Arm of the Sea. - a narrow inlet.
Arm phr "Arm in Arm" - said of two persons when one interlinks his arm with that of another; hence fig. in close communion.
Arm phr "A Shot in the Arm" - something to revive a person's enthusiasm.
Arm phr "As Long As One's Arm(s)" - very long.
Arm phr "At Arms (End) Length" - as far away from one as the arms can reach.
Arm phr "Give One's Right Arm"- pay any price, make a sacrifice for.
Arm phr "Have a Long Arm" - to have far-reaching power.
Arm phr "In Arms" - of a bay: too young to walk.
Arm phr "Keep at Arm's Length" - keep remotely formal, distant.
Arm phr "Lose One's Right Arm" - lose some highly valued assistance.
Arm phr "My Right Arm" - good friend, mainstay and supporter.
Arm phr "On One's Arm" - supported by one arm.
Arm phr "The Long Arm of the Law" - inescapable police detention or justice.
Arm phr "Under the Arm" - inferior (slang).
Arm phr "With One Arm Tied behind One's Back" do something very easily.
Arm phr "Within an Arm's Length/Reach" - to be reached at arm's length.
Arm phr "With Open Arms" - enthusiastically and without hesitation.
Arm phr "Work at Arm's Length" - awkwardly or disadvantageous.
Arm-bone n The humerus: the bone of the upper arm, extending from the shoulder joint to the elbow joint; the homogenetic bone in other vertebrates.
Armedness n The state or quality of having a particular type of, or number of arms.
Armful adj As much as both arms, or one arm, can hold.
Arm-great adj As large round as an arm.
Arm-hole n An armpit. 2. hole in a garment through which an arm is put.
Arming n A poor and miserable creature.
Armless adj Without arms or branches.
Armlessly adv In an armless way.
Armlessness n The state or condition of being without arms; lacking arms.
Armlike adj Miserable, pitiable.
Armlike adv Armlich, poorly, miserably, wretchedly
Armlock n Any of several moves against opponents in wrestling and martial arts.
Arm-long adj As long as a person's arms.
Arm-pit n The hollow under the arm where it is joined to the trunk; the armhole. 2. the analogous cavity of other animals
Arm-pit n "Up to One Armpits" - to be very deeply involved in something.
Arm-strong adj Strong of arm.
Armthe n Misery pity, wretchedness.?????
Armth n Poverty, want, wretchedness, misery, calamity.
Arm twisting n Pressuring by persuasion or threat. 2. the use of personal pressure to persuade. 3. use of political pressure to gain support.
Arn n The alder tree.
A'rood adv On a cross, as in crucifixation.
A'room vb To extend, prolong.
A'root adv On roots, rooted firmly.
Arow adv In a row, rank or line. 2. in succession.
Arrow n A projectile consisting of a shaft, a point, and a tail with stabilizing fins thaat is shot from a bow. 2. a sign or symbol used to show a direction (e.g. ->) 3. a directed edge. 4.a dart. 5. a streal.
Arrow vb To shoot an arrow. 2. to send forth like an arrow (speedily). 3. to move swiftly and directly. 4. to let fly swiftly and directly.
Arrow phr "Arrow of Time" - (Time's Arrow) - a term to distinguish a direction of time in a four-dimensional realistic view of the world. 2. the subjective feeling from past to the future. 3. entropy.
Arrow phr "Another Arrow in One's Quiver" ???????
Arrowed adj Having or fitted wth arms.
Arrow-finger n The forefinger; the index finger, demonstrator. 2. either of the fingers used to draw a bow; specifically the index finger.
Arrow firing n The action of shooting anarrow from a bow.
Arrow-grass n Name of the endogenous 'Triglochin,' referring to the 3-barbed appearance of the burst capsule.
Arrow-head n Any plant of the genus 'sagitteria' A point or tip, usually sharpened, added to an arrow to make it more deadly or to fulfill some special purpose. The earliest arrowheads were made of stone and of organic materials; as human civilization progressed other materials were used.
Arrow-headed adj Shaped like the head of an arrow. 2. cuneform, cuneatic.
Arrow speed n The speed an arrow can travel.
Arrowing n A sometime term for archery.
Arrow-key n Computer key marked with an arrow and used to move the cursor.
Arrow-leaf n In plant names: having arrow-like leaves, such as arrow-leaf groundsel, arrow-leaf tear-thumbs.
Arrow-length n The length from the back of the point to the throat of the nock.
Arrow-less adj Without or not having an arrow; lacking arrows.
Arrow-like adj Resembling or shaped like an arrow.
Arrow-maker n A maker of arrows.
Arrow-making n The making or pruction of arrows.
Arrow rest n A shoulder of horn or metal used on some bows to support the arrow.
Arrow-root n So named because used to absorb poison from wounds made by poisoned arrow. 2. a plant; orig. 'Maranta arundinacea,' a herb with fleshly tuberous rhizomes, found in the Caribbean; also other species of maranta. 2. a pure nutritious starch prepared from the tubers of Maranta (and from other plants). 3. food prepared from the starch of this plant.
Arrow shaft n Arrow shafts are used in the making of arrows through the Fletching skill. Arrow shafts can be cut from different types of logs by using a knife on them, each type requires a certain level in Fletching. 15 feathers can be attached to 15 arrow shafts at 1 Fletching, granting 15 experience, to make headless arrows.
Arrow shooter n An individual who proposes a radical new idea and describes its potential future development.
Arrow-shot n The average distance an arrow stays in flight.
Arrowsmith n A maker of iron arrowhead.
Arrowstone n Belemnite.
Arrowy adj Consisting of arrows. 2. formed or moving like, or in every respect, resembling an arrow. 3. swift, darty, piercing.
Arse n The fundament, buttocks or rump of animal. 2. transfig. the bottom, tail end, fag.
Arse phr "Arse End of No Where" - a very remote, often unplesant, place.
Arse phr "Arse upwards" - in good luck.
Arse-foot n The dabchick or penguin.
Arse-gut n The rectum.
Arsehead n An idiotic or undesirable person.
Arsehole n The anus (vulgar). 2. an inconsiderate, mean-spirited person.
Arseholedom n A very undesirable town, city, country etc.
Arseload n A very large amount (vulgar.)
Arseward adj Backward, contrary, perverse.
Arseward adv Backwards, in a contrary direction. 2. fig. contrariwise. perversely
Arsewardly adv Perversely, contrawisely,
Arsewards adv In a backward direction,. 2. perversely
Arsey adj Arsy, unpleasant, esp. in a sarcastic, grumpy, haughty manner.
Arval n A funeral feast; wake.?????
Arveth n Difficulty, trouble, hardship.
Arvethlike adj Arvethlich, with difficulty, trouble, hardship.
Arvethness n State of difficulty, trouble, or perplexity.
Arworthly adj Honourably, reverently