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Roma (Leeden & Italish)
Flag of Rome
- Field
Revetung Italish
Inwonername Roomer
- Ilk
- Body
- Boroughreeve

Besunderly Fellowship
Rome Stead Redemoot
Virginia Raggi
Groundwork 21 Eastermonth 753 BC
Landswathe 496.3 miles²
Befolking (Borough) 2,876,051 dwellers
Roman Panorama

One bit of the Roomanish Skyline

Rome or Rume (Italish: Roma) is the headstead of Italy and the shire of Lat, as well as being the steadship with the greatest swath and the most indwellers in the land (umb 2.8 thursand). It lies in the west of the Italish headland, where the Aniene flows into the Tiber ea.

In olden times it was the headstead of a great rich, which spread over most of Eveland, western Sunriseland, and northern Highsunland. For many yearhundreds, the Roomers were the mightiest folk in the Western world, and the doings of their rich yet lie at the bottom of the Western way of life to this day. Roomanish Broad-Churchdom also gave greatly to the ripening of Western Folkdom.

Rome under the Kings[]

In the old Roomanish tale, the stead of Rome was built in the year 753 BC by the twin brothers Rommel and Reme. These brothers were born to a kingly line; their eldfather was King Numitor of Alba Longa, on whose daughter, Rhea Silvia, they were begotten by the god Moarse. Numitor's backstabbing brother Amulius, after robbing Numitor of his kingship, sent the newborn twins into the wilderness to die, but instead they were suckled by a wolf, and grew to manhood. Once grown, and aware of their bloodties, Romulus and Remus sammed up a band of outcasts and built a stead upon the Tiber ea. After strife betwist the brothers over which hill to build upon, Romulus slew Remus, and reded the stead himself; thereafter it bore his name, and was known as Rome. Romulus reded as Rome's first king, and he set up the Senate, or Eldermoot, for redeship and help in steering the reveship. Romulus' followers were all wepmen, so to get wives for them, he led them in the Kidnapping of the Sabine Women, taking the daughters of other steads to wife by their might. Thereafter arose many hilds with the folk in the umsettings; at first Romulus won gatherbindingly, and was leaned with Syereeths. But when the king of the Sabines himself arose against Rome, the clash grew and could have shifted either way, but the Sabine women pleaded with their husbands and fathers to call off the fight. Rome soon grew to become a great stead, and overspread all seven hills beside the Tiber.

After Romulus, Numa reded as king of the Roomers, and after him more kings, but in time the kingship fell into the hands of Rome's neighbors, the Etruscers. King Tarquin the Proud gained the kingship by murdering his wife, his elder brother, and the king who went before him. By withholding the old king from burying, and also putting many Senators to death, he earned the wrath of the Roomanish folk. At last, when the king's son Sextus hemed the high-born woman, Lucretia, (who afterward killed herself), the leading boroughmen who witnessed the thing swore an oath to do away with the kingly reveship, and banish Tarquin from Rome.

The Roomanish Ledewealth[]

All this happened in Collatia, the outland stead over which it was the task of Collatinus, Lucretia's husband, to hold richship. Louchy Youny Brutus, along with Collatinus, Tricipitinus, and Poplicola, led the overthrow of the last king; they sammed up the youth of Collatia and with them went to Rome, where he called the folk to the Forum and bade them to rise up against Tarquin. The king, fearing for his life, fled from the stead. Foresaking kingly reveship, the new rulers of Rome chose instead to live under the reveship of the Senate, and be led by two Consuls, who would be chosen for but one year at a time.

This new, mootrikish reveship was called the Roomanish Ledewealth, and among its first laws was that any man who plotted to bring back the kingship could be put to death by any boroughman without a trial. Brutus was made first Consul, and the law came back to him bitterly when he was bound to put his own son to death for making friendship with Tarquin and cunning to bring him back to Rome.

The Roomanish Ledewealth lasted for almost five hundred years, and waxed great in its might, overspreading Italy and many nearby lands. At first, only the higher families of the folk, the Patricians, could hold Rome's mighty ambights, but a few years after the overthrowing, the right was given to the lower folk, the Plebes, to choose two Tribunes, without whose leave the Senate could make no laws.

In 390 BC, Rome was taken by the Gaulish king Brennus, who would leave the stead standing only if the Roomers would yield up a great looseguild: a thousand gold pounds. When the Roomers said that Brennus sought to beguile them by rigging the metes with tricky weights, Brennus spellt out, "Woe to the Beaten," and cast his heavy belt onto the mete along with the weights.
