The Anglish Moot

Staff U of the English Wordbook.

Basic abbreviations:

  • OE = Old English
  • ME = Middle English
  • SC = Scots
  • WF = West Frish
  • NF = North Frish
  • SF = Saterlandish Frish
  • WLG = West Low Theech
  • ELG = East Low Theech
  • NL = Netherlandish
  • NHG = New High Theech
  • IC = Icelandish
  • HIC = High Icelandish
  • NO = Nornish
  • SW = Swedish
  • DN = Danish
  • MLG = Middle Low Theech
  • MNL = Middle Netherlandish
  • MHG = Middle High Theech
  • OF = Old Frish
  • OS = Old Saxish
  • OHG = Old High Theech
  • ON = Old Norse
  • GO = Gottish
  • PWG = Or-West-Theedish
  • PG = Or-Theedish

For a full list of etymological and other abbreviations used in these wordlists, see: Offshortenings.


Chancery English Class Anglish/English
Attested Unattested
ubiquitous adj everywhere, all-over; everyday, household; wall-to-wall -
ubiquity n everywhereness -
Ukraine n Borderland, Innerland, Inethel
Unidentified Flying Object n - Unmarked Flying Onget, Unknown Flying Ware
ulcer adj - sore (calque)
ulna n - ell, elbone
ulterior adj later motive: backthought (calque)
ultimate adj last -
ultimately adv someday, sometime; after all, sooner or later; deep down endily, lastingly
umbrella n rainshade rainshield
unabated adj - unlessened (Barnes)
unanimous adj kindred, like-minded all-thwaring, oneholly (cf. NHG einhellig, Sw. enhällig)
unanimously adv - thwaringly (OE þwarian 'to agree')
unanticipated adj unforeseen -
unassailable adj hallowed, holly unthwartsome
unbalanced adj

barmy, bats, haywire, unhinged; unsteady

uncelebrated adj nameless, unsung unfrealsed (OE freolsian)
uncertain adj flickery, unsettled, trustless wendful
uncertainty n mistrustfulness uncouthness
uncle n eme paternal: fathere

maternal: eme

unconscious adj cold; clueless unheeding
unctuous adj smarmy -
undercurrent n undertow, tideway -
underdeveloped adj underbuilt, undergrown underblown (OE blowan)
undermine vb hinder -
undistinguished adj unknown bremeless
undress vb strip, unclothe -
undulating adj wavering -
uneasy adj restless, ill at ease -
unedifying adj unwholesome, unhealthy -
uneducated adj unread, unlearnt, untaught; lowbrow -
unemployed adj jobless, idle, unhired, workless unbehired (full-time)
unexpected adj unforeseen unweened (OE wenan), unbewaited
unfamiliar adj unheard of, unknown, unkindred, beyond your ken seldcouth (<OE seldcúþ)
unfavourable adj unfriendly, untoward -
unfortunate adj hapless, hardluck, ill-starred (Barnes), snakebit; heartbreaking, woeful uneady
unhabited adj undwelled unerned, unwoned
unharness vb outspan -
unicorn n - onehorn (Du. eenhorn)
uniform n - clothing: evenwear
uniformity n evenness -
unintelligent adj bonehead, witless -
uninteresting adj leaden, reckless, unrecking -
union n -

fay, gathertang, thede, meanship (<OE ġemænscipe, cf. NHG Gemeinschaft)

unionism n - thedehood
unionist n/adj - adj: thedish n: theder
unique adj one-off, one-of-a-kind, one and only, outstanding -
unit n - fach (pl. fax), onhood (cf. Du. eenheid), whit
unite vb knit, link up, bind, fay, one  

onlay, anledge (<OE anlæcan), forone, agether


united adj knitted, oned oneleight, fayed, foroned, sammed
United States of America n -

Foroned Rix of Markland, Banded Folkdoms of Americksland, Bonded Hoods of America, Bonded Landhoods of America, Foranned Rix of Vinland, Sammed Rikes of America

Redland ethels informal

unity n oneness (Barnes), onehead, onehood, togetherness, wholeness

onefoldness (<OE ānfealdnes)

of voices:  evenleether (<OE efenhlēoðor) pl: evenleethru

universal adj broad-brush, overall; all-in; wall-to-wall almean (cf. NHG allgemein, Du. algemeen), alworldly, allsome (<Barnes), allhomely
universality n allness -
universe n world allworld (cf. NHG Weltall), wholeäll (cf. Du. heelal)
university n lorestead (<Barnes), seat of learning (<Barnes) learnhall
unjustified adj unshown unsweetled
unleash vb loosen, unlock -
unleashed adv unbound -
unlimited adj unbounded (<Barnes), unstinted mireless (OE mære 'limit, border')
unmaintained adj unkempt -
unmanageable adj headstrong, untoward -
unnecessary adj needless, uncalled for, unneeded -
unnerve vb unsettle, faze -
unoccupied adj empty, leer, free of
update vb - bywork (cf. Du. bijwerken), ednew, uptime, upday
UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) n mains backup -
unpleasant adj bad, bitter, rotten, unlovely, wicked uncweming
unpopular adj - unfolkly
unproductive adj bony, geason, unbearing, unyielding unteeming
unprofitable adj barren fremeless
unprogressive adj hidebound unforwaying
unreservedly adj wholeheartedly -
unresponsive adj - sloom (cf. Du.)
unrestrained adj loose -
unrevealed adj untold, hidden, in dern -
unsuccessful adj - unspeedful, unspowing
unsuitable adj unbefitting unbeseeming
unsympathetic adj slash-and-burn, unfeeling; untoward -
unusual adj funny, out-of-the-way, weird frimdy, seldcouth, unbrooklike, unbrookly
unveil vb bare, let on about, spill, tell, unbosom unhele, unmesh
urban adj townish townwise, boroughwise
urbanite n townsman boroughwere
urbanization n - betowning, beboroughing
urbanize vb - betown, beborough
urge n/vb

beseech, beg, goad
n: craving, lust, thirst, yearning

thraving (<OE thrafian)
urination n weeing slang migothening, migothletting, thwayletting, harnening, landening, midgening
urine n wee slang, sig migoth (<OE migoða), land (<OE hland), midge (<OE micga), wetness (<OE wæta), harn (cf. NHG "Harn"), thway (cf. Ic. "þvag")
urinate v wee slang, wet migothen (on basis of German Harn and Harnen), migothlet, landen, midgen, harnen, thwaylet (cf. Ic. "þvaglát")
ursa major n The Plough, The Great Bear -
use n need brook, note, noteing, frim (<ME), brookness
use vb brook, handle, deal with, milk, wield, work note (Eng. ety.2 , <ME <OE notu, cf. NHG nutzen)

benote (<ME binoten, cf. NHG benutzen )

used to adj 1. formerly 2. wonted to, weaned to -
(get) used to vb get wonted to gewone (cf. NHG gewöhnen)
useful adj handy, noteful, helpful frimful (<OE fremful), brookful
useless adj idle, unhandy, unhelpful, noteless fremeless, brookless
usual adj household; cut-and-dried grove kind, brooklike, brookly, gewonely
usurer n loan shark wastomshatster
usury n - wooker (<OE wócor, cf. NHG Wucher, Du woeker)

wastomshat (<OE wæstmsceatt)

utensil n tool -
uterus n womb motherbear (cf. Du. baarmoeder)
utopia n neverland, never-never land, dreamworld heaven-on-earth
uxorious adj - wifefondly, wife-yearning