The Anglish Moot

Staff C of the English Wordbook.

Basic abbreviations:

  • OE = Old English
  • ME = Middle English
  • SC = Scots
  • WF = West Frish
  • NF = North Frish
  • SF = Saterlandish Frish
  • WLG = West Low Theech
  • ELG = East Low Theech
  • NL = Netherlandish
  • NHG = New High Theech
  • IC = Icelandish
  • HIC = High Icelandish
  • NO = Nornish
  • SW = Swedish
  • DN = Danish
  • MLG = Middle Low Theech
  • MNL = Middle Netherlandish
  • MHG = Middle High Theech
  • OF = Old Frish
  • OS = Old Saxish
  • OHG = Old High Theech
  • ON = Old Norse
  • GO = Gottish
  • PWG = Or-West-Theedish
  • PG = Or-Theedish

For a full list of etymological and other abbreviations used in these wordlists, see: Offshortenings.


Staffs under English Wordbook/C:

Ca Cb Cc Cd Ce Cf Cg Ch Ci Cj Ck Cl Cm Cn Co Cp Cq Cr Cs Ct Cu Cv Cw Cx Cy Cz

*Note: If you click on one of the links above, and nothing happens, then that means no words have been put forth for that bookstaff as of yet.

Chancery English Class Anglish/English
Attested Unattested


cabal n - backroom-dealings
cabaret n club, nightspot, roadhouse, nightclub -
cabbage n cole -
cabinet n hutch, sideboard, locker mugboard, hoarding
office: ambight, redeship
cable n wire, rope, lead ropewire
caboose n - ward wain, aftwain, undershotwain
cacao n - brownbean, muckbean
cache n hoard putstow, bike
cacophony n rattle, roar, din -
cactus n - fat-thistle, mickle-prickle
cadaver n shell, framework, body, dead body
slang: stiff
cadaverous adj deathly, wan, bloodless, ashen, hollow-eyed -
cadet n - forefighter
cafe n tearoom (<note: Non-English),
roadhouse; taproom, watering hole
coffeehouse (cf. NHG Kaffeehaus), coffeeinn (cf. NHG Kaffeeschenke), brewhouse, beanbrewhouse
cafeteria n food hall, eating hall -
cage n bower (cf. NHG Bauer, DN bur) -
cajole vb soft-soap,
sweettalk, wheedle
cake (<ON) n bake kitch/kitchel (<ME kichel), sweetbake (from Minecraft)
Calais n Cales (Cál•es, archaic, < Flemish) -
calamari n cuttlefish -
calcaneüs n heelbone -
calcium n - milkshaft, limemote
calcium carbonate n - coalsour lime (see WF koalsoere kalk)
calculate vb reckon, work out -
calculation n tale, reckoning -
calculator n - handreckoner, rimereckoner, scorer
calculus n reckoning flowreckoning, riming, telgrinding (<OE tæl/tal 'number')
calendar n daybook timetale
Calends n - see Kalends
calisthenics n drills -
calligraphy n longhand pretty writing, litwriting
calligraphy pen n name longhandwritingise/-iron (longhand + OE wrītungīsen, "style pen")
callous adj hardened, cold-hearted, flint-hearted, heartless, soulless, stony, stony-hearted, steely, thick-skinned, uncaring, cold, hard, as hard as nails, hard-hearted, with a heart of stone, hard-bitten, cold-blooded, ruthless -
calm adj lown, flack, still roolie (Eng., DN rolig, IC roleg, NHG ruhig)
calm vb lull, settle, soothe, still beroo (cf. NHG beruhigen)
calumniate vb grime, sully, betell forwray (<OE forwregan)
calque n loanshift, loanword, borrowing loan oversetting (cf. NHG Lehnübersetzung)
calumniator n - backbiter
calyx n - bloomleaf
camel n - olvend (<ME olfend/olvende), twohump, drylander
camera n shooter bildfanger, bildtaker, bilthcraft(er) / bildcraft(er)
camouflage n dapple, (dappling, dappleshell, dapplehide, dappleclad, dappleteld), dazzle-painting derning (<OE gediernan, cf. NHG Tarnung)
camomile n - maylix
camp n - lair (<OE), haltstead

enemies': fiendwick

of an army (own): herewick

camping ground n bed ground -
campaign n bandwagon, drive, struggle military: axfare (<OE æxfaru), fieldtought (<NL), bandwain
campaign vb take the stump, barnstorm, run, run for, fight, warfare, struggle -
campus n yard, loreyard, field lorefield, bittle (<OE gebytlu)
canal n leat, ditch, waterway -
cancel v stop, hold, end, leave, kill, scrub, scrap, break off, call off belay (from Minecraft)
cancer n canker, growth, overgrowth, lump
zodiac: Crab
disease: deathlump, deathgrowth, Mireless Thrimfold ~ MTF
(Unlimited Tissue Multiplication), crabgrowth
candelabrum n - glimtree
candidate n hopeful, runner -
candied adj sweetened -
candle (<OE) n waxlight (< wax light) -
candy n sweets sweetiness
canine adj doggy, houndlike,
doglike, doggish
canine n hound, dog -
cannon n gun, thunder gun dunspar (contr. of dun and spear), fallbuss (cf. IC fallbyssa), gun (<ME gunne)
cannonball n thunderball gunstone (obsolete), gun ball
cannibal n maneater selfeater (<OE selfǣta)
canoe n dugout slimboat
cantaloupe n - rockmug, wintermug; netrindberry, netshellberry, netbarkberry (calque of Fin. verkkomeloni)
canvas n hemp hempcloth
canyon n gulch, slade -
capable adj - fitworthy
capacitor n - bearer (oversetting of "capacitor" into English), tightener
capacity n room, berth, strength, gift, readiness meeth (<ME mēthe); andeven (<OE andefn), skillness (cf. NHG Fähigkeit)
cape n mantle, sleeveless coat
geography: ness, foreland, headland
capita n head -
capital n/adj wealth, means, wherewithal; sterling; foremost

letter (ABC): greatbookstave (cf. NHG Großbuchstabe)

capital city n - headburg (<OE hēafodburh), kinesettle (<OE cynesetl), headstead
capitalism n - feedom, wealthwield
capitalist n/adj silk stocking feeliever
capitalization n - blockwrit, block writing
capitate bone n - headbone. head wristbone
capricious adj fickle nickfull (cf. SW nikkig)
capsize vb keel, upset, overwend wemmel
captain n headman, leader shiplord, shipper (cf. MNL scipper, NE skipper)
caption n -

underwrit (cf. NL underschrift, NHG Bildunterschrift)

captivate vb wile witch
captive n/adj penned, locked up, trapped n: haftling (<OE haftling)

adj: hafted

captivity n trap haftedness (<OE gehæftednes)
capture vb nail, take, kidnap, steal, swipe, nab, trap latch, awin (<OE āwinnan and <OE awinnen)
car n slang: wheels, ride,
hot rod, roadster

wain, wagon (<NL), horseless buggy (obsolete), buggy, selfshrither (calque of automobile), farecart, rumblewagon, thunderwagon, purrwagon

caravan n tradewagon kinwain, housewain (cf. SW husvagn)
carbon n chark, soot coalshaft, coalmote, lifemote
carbon dioxide n blackdamp (mining term for CO2) wortloft
caramel n - tag (<IC töggur)
carburetor n - forelofter
carcass n lich; bones, stiff -
card n sheet, board -
cardboard n headboard boardsheet
cardiac arrest n heartstop -
cardinal n bird: redbird

bird: redfinch
Church official: godsearl (cf. HIC guðsjarl); hardon (< OE heorra 'hinge, cardinal point' and don 'acting')

cardinal direction n - skyheading (cf. NHG Himmelsrichtung), weatherstroke/weatherstreak (calque: SW väderstreck), eighttoken
cardiology n - heartlore
career n calling, game (inf.), walk of life -
caress vb fondle, stroke -
cargo n draft, freight, haul, loading, weight fraught (for + aught, cf. Eng freight)
cargo ship n freighter fraughter
caribou n reindeer -
carnal adj fleshly -
carnation n - nailling, nailken (cf. NHG Nelke), nailbloom, nale (<SC nale)
carnivore n meat-eater, flesh-eater -
carouse vb birl -
carousel n - merry-wend, merry-go-about (cf. Eng. merry-go-round)
carpal bone n - wristbone
carpenter n woodworker woodsmith, woodcraftsman, treewright (<OE trēowwyrhta), timberworker (cf. NL timmerwerk)
carpentry n woodcraft, becraftliness, craftliness treewrighting, timberwork (cf. NL timmerwerk)
carpet n - stepcloth, floorcloth, groundcloth, tappet (from Minecraft)
carriage n bearing wain, wagon
carrot n - walmore (<ME walmōre), yellowred more (from Minecraft)
carry vb bear, weigh, ferry, take -
carte blanche n utter freedom white sheet
cartilage n gristle / grissel crackbone (cf. NL kraakbeen)
cartilaginous fish n - grisselfish, crackbonefish (cf. NL kraakbeenvis)
cartographer n - landsheetmaker (from Minecraft)
cartoon n - tokenwilefilm (calque: NHG Zeichentrickfilm)
cartouche n - deckwrit
cartridge n bag, load, holder -
case n hull, husk, pod, sheath, shell, box

in case: lest, by fear of, if... should, befall

grammar: fall

in case: fall

case: fall

cashew n - kidneyapple
cashewnut n - kidneynut
casing n shell, brass -
casino n - bethall, bethouse, gaming house
cast away vb - anbewarp (<OE anbeweorpan)
castigate vb - beswing (<ME biswingen)
castle n burg, stronghold

innermost keep

stronghouse, fastenwork (<OE fæsten + weorc; cf. NHG Festung),

chestel (<OE ceastel)

castrate vb geld, clip afire (<OE afȳran)
casual adj breezy, blithe, light-hearted -
catalog n list -
catapult n - gun (<ME gunne), slaught gearwork, great stonesling
catastrophe n - downturn (calque of Greek katastréphō)
catalyst n - sunderer (from Minecraft)
catch vb snare, snarl, snag, latch, fang, nab -
catechism n - frodleering (cf. IC trúfræðslurit)
catechize vb grill, sweat slang frain
categorize vb - fade (< ME fādenOE fadian)
caterpillar n - cawlworm (<OE cawelwyrm), leafworm (<OE lēafwyrm), mealshave (<OE mǣlsceafa)
cathedral n - headchurch (<OE hēafodcirice)
catheter n - leat
cathode n - downway
catholic adj - ally (<OE eallīc)
Catholicism n - Allytroth
catkin n - bloomtail
cattle n cows, livestock, kine, nowt, fee, neat rother, standstills
Caucasian n - Caucaser
cauldron n kettle wher (<ME hwer), oalvat (<OE ālfæt), ironcrock (from Minecraft)
cauliflower n - bloomcole
cause n sake; bring-about, let-on, wherefrom inting (< ME intingeOE intinga), orsake (calque of many Germanic languages)
cause vb beget, breed, drive, make, work, yield, lead to fise (<ME fūsen), fororsake (calque of many Germanic languages)
caustic adj burning -
cautery n - tharm tool
caution n wariness, forewit, care, reck, heeding, beware, warning -
cautious adj chary (< archaic Modern English) -
cavalier n horseman king-follower (Charles II)
cavalry n horsemen, riders rideware (cf. NHG Reiterei)
cave n den shraff (<ME shraf; pl: shraves), cleave (<OE cleofa), delve
caviar n - stoorroe (roe of the sturgeon)
cavil vb carp -
cavity n dint, hollow, pit -





Attested Unattested
cease vb stop, lay off, halt, give up, leave off, blin -
ceasefire n truce weaponsstandstill (cf. NL wapenstilstand, NHG Waffenstillstand)
cecum n blind gut blindtharm, blindgut
cecograph n - blindwriter
cede vb yield, hand over, give up, bequeath, overgive (Eng., NHG übergeben, NL overgeven) orgive, oryeve
cedilla n - zedling, zeeling
ceiling n firstroof, highroof, loftroof -
celebrate vb merrymake frelse (<ME frelsen)
celebration n - frealsing
celebrity n - star, hotshot, crowdy (calque)
celery n - fenroot
celestial adj heavenly skily (sky + -ly)
celestial bow n rainbow, heaven's bow -
celestial sphere n - rother (<OE rodor)
cell n hole, room living being: frum (<IC fruma), lifebrock
cell division n - frumcleaving
cellar n earthhouse clove (<OE clēofa); undercroft
celluloid n film, flick, film strip tape, reel treestandhew, frumsweethew (calque)
cellulose n - treestand, frumsweet (calque)
Celtic adj Celtish -
cemetery n graveyard, boneyard, burying-ground church-litten, lich-rest, lichburg, lichtown, buryingstow, endrest, still-hill (slang)
cenozoic n - nowlifen, eld of suckledeer
censorship n - cleaning, bestilling
censure vb chide, upbraid -
census n tale marking (cf. OE tomearcodnes), folkscoring
cent n penny, hundredth -
centaur n - horsemennish (cf. NL paardmens), manhorse, halfhorse
centimeter n - hundredthmete
centipede n - thousandfoot (cf. NL duizendpoot; NHG Tausendfüße)
center n/vb n: kernel, heart; middle, midst

vb: spotlight

place for event/function: mid (cf. NHG Mitte), midstod (<IC miðstöðin)
central adj location: middle, mean, midway, midmost, middle-of-the-road

importance: main, key, leading, ruling

centurion n - houndfrea (<OE hundfrēa)
century n yearhundred hundredyear, year-fivescore/yearfivescore (literally means a year and five twenties), fivescore (five twenties)
cereal n - breakfast: morningcorn (cf. IC morgunkorn)
certain adj wis sicker (Eng. <ME)

specific: bestevened (calque: NHG bestimmt) (see steven)

certainly adv wisly sickerly, soothly
certainty n sickerness wishood (cf. NHG Gewissheit), soothness
certificate n - beshining (cf. NHG Bescheinigung), witnessword, sickering
certify v witness beshine (calque of Ger. speeches)
confirm: besteady (calque of Ger. speeches)
cerulean adj - swailblee
cerumen n earwax -
cervix n - wombneck (cf. NL baarmoederhals)
Cesar n overlord,
high-king, kaiser
cesium n - quickgold, silverwhite, lightbrick mote




chain n shackle, fetter -
chair n seat, stool, settle (archaic) -
chaise-longue n - longseat, longsettle
chalice n bowl weigh (<OE wǣge/wēge)
chalk n limestone limestonestick
challenge vb knot, dare, becall
challenge oneself (with, by, to): undertake (something, to do something)
beclepe (< ME beclepenOE beclipian), upcall, upstart, uprise (cf. NL uitdagen), outask (cf. NHG herausfordern), upfight (cf. NHG anfechten)
challenge n knot, dare, threat
challenge oneself, undertake: undertaking
becalling, becleping (<OE beclipian), upcall, upstarting, outtasking (cf. NHG Herausforderung), upfight (cf. NHG Anfechtung)
chamber n room, bay (enclosed space) -
chamber of commerce n board of trade Handelsrat
chameleon n - fowask (<ME fou "particolored, variegated" and NE ask)
chance n luck, opening by chance: faringly (<OE færinga)
chancellor n gatekeeper yateward (OE geat + ward)
(senior record keeper, official who produced and notarized official documents) bookkeeper, logkeeper
(senior secretary in a royal court) headwriter
change vb/n shift, switch, makeover, dough (cash), warp wend, char, wrixle (<ME wrixlen), frother (for- + other; cf. WF feroarje, NL veranderen, NHG verändern)
channel n fairway, race, ford sound (<OE sund 'long narrow inlet)
chaos n mess dwolm (<OE dwolma)
chapter n - cavel (<MLG cavele and likely ON kafli (piece cut off, piece, bit) and kefli (cylinder, stick, piece of wood)), compare IL kafli
character n

clay, selfhood, self, shtick, player (mainly in a game)

in a story: hoad (<OE hād)
feature: folklihood (cf. NL persoonlijkheid)
moral strength: wilstrength (will + strength; cf. DN viljestyrke)
symbol: token (cf. NHG Zeichen, DN tegn)
characteristic n mark kenmark (calque: NL kenmerk)
chard n - fow-leaf, fow-stalk, fow-stem (fow <OE fāg "colored"), manywald (<NHG mangold)
charge n fill, load, outlay, lading uplast, onlast

military: ongripe, forthlout

legal: booking

charge vb fill, load, outlay, lade uplast, onlast, wite, onwite, asteal (<OE astǣlan)

military: ongripe, forthlout (<OE to fall forth), onrush, hildrass/rush/rash (<OE)

legal: book

charged adj owing, laden (electric) -
charitable adj kind, freehanded, freehearted, unselfish, unsparing, unstinting kisty (<OE cystig), almsful (<ME almesful)
charity n help, gift, hand-out, goodness, goodwill, fellow feeling, alms, dole, ruth, brotherhood kistiness
charity (organization) n bedehouse almshouse
charlatan n swindler -
Charlemagne n Carl/Charles the Great Churl the Great
charm n spell, dangle libsen (<OE lybesn)
charming adj friendly, lovely, winsome, comely -
charter n - rightsledging; booking (<OE bócung "assignment of land by charter")
chase vb hotfoot, put to flight, wathe/wothe (<OE wáth), adrive (<OE), hunt -
chassis n shell, frame brass
chasten, castigate, chastise/chastize vb wreak, smite inwreak, bewreak, insmite, besmite
chastize vb chew out, chide, flay, hammer, jaw, keelhaul, ream out, tongue-lash, upbraid threap
chauffeur n driver -
cheat n/vb

shark, bilk, do in, nobble, rip off, rig, swindle;

shark, dodger, swindler, lirt, belirt, threap

beswike (<OE beswīcan)
check vb - oversoothe (cf. NHG überprüfen)
checkers (game) n drafts (from Norman spelling draughts) -
cheer n glee, merriness, mirthfulness -
cheer vb gladden, root, hearten,
perk up, blithen
cheese (<PWG) n - milkcurd, yust (<PG *justaz)
chef d'oeuvre n - maisterwork (cf. NL meesterstuk)
chemistry n - blendlore, splitlore (cf. NL scheikunde)
cherish vb hold dear, cleave to,
care for, love,
look after, shelter; harbor
cherry n - chirse (<OE ciris/cyrs; cf. NL kers, NHG Kirsche), stoneberry (from Minecraft)
chess n - -
chestplate (armor, see tunic) n chesthelm, breasthelm -
chez _____ prp at _____'s -
chic adj fancy, dapper, natty -
chief, chieftain n headman, headwoman, ringleader folktow (<OE folctoga), headling (cf. NHG Häuptling)
chikungunya n - upbend driff
chili n - hot pepper; pepperdust
chimney n smokestack shorestone (cf. NL schoorsteen, NHG Schornstein)
chimpanzee n - mockman (calque of Vili ci-mpenzi)
China n - Midrich (cf. HIC Miðríki)
Chinese character n - Hanrown, moonrown (potentially offensive)
chipmunk n chipping squirrel, ground squirrel banded squirrel (< striped squirrel; 'stripe' is not native English), tinybear (< mini-bear), timber banded cat (< timber tiger)
church n kirk -
Chirology n - handlore
chisel v grave -
chivalrous n big, greathearted,
high-minded, lofty, lordly
chivalry n knightliness lordlihood, kindhood, riderliness (for sake of "knight" meaning servant, NHG Ritter)
chlorine n - bleachstuff, yellowgreenmote
chlorophyll n leafgreen -
chocolate adj/n - muckeats/muckfood (cf. HIC mógæti)
chocolate milk n - muckeatsmilk, muckmilk
choice n choosing, picking, wale. kire (cf. ME kire), chosen (noun form)
cholesterol n - gallvat
chrestomathy n - nuttlecouthness (calque, < OE nyttol 'useful' + OE cūþnes 'knowledge')
Christian adj Christen, Christly Christish
Christian n Christen, Christer -
Christianity n Christendom Christenhood (calque of NHG Christenheit)
Christmas (<OE) n Yule -
chromosome n - lifepith, huebody (calque of original Greek)
chromatid n - lifepithhalf
chromium n - hueshaft, dyeshaft, bleeshaft
chronicle n ledger, tale, saga saw
chronology n timeline timeflow
chrysanthemum n - goldbloom
chunk n - worldstitch


cider n apple wine golden fire (slang)
cigar n smoke smokelog, smokewrap, windle (calque of Icelandic vindill)
cigarette n smoke, butt. windling, in-and-out (slang), death stick (slang)
cinema n - bilths, filmhouse, filmingstow
cinquefoil n - fiffinger
cipher n dern homewrit (cf. NL geheimschrift), riddlewrit
circa prep about umb/umbe (<ME umbe; cf. NHG um)
circle n ring, loop, wreath, trindle, trundle trind
circuit n ringway -
circulate vb flow; broadcast umflow
circulation n flow umbfaring, forfaring, umbflow, umbrunning
circulatory system n bloodstream -
circum-/circul- pfx - um-/umb-
circumcise vb cut, unhood, unforeskin umsnithe (<OE ymbsniðan), rend, umcut, besnithe (cf. NHG beschneiden)
circumference n girth, rim, outring rimlength, rimreach, rimspan, umgang or umbgang (Eng.)
circumflex n - stavehat
circumnavigate vb - umship (cf. NHG umschiffen)
circumspect adj careful, watchful -
circumstance n doom, hap, luck umstand or umbstand (<OE), befalling, umstalling
circumvent vb shortcut, sidestep; girdle, ring umwork
circus n big top -
cirrocumulus n - curlcloud
citizen n townsman, burgher boroughman, boroughlede (<OE burglēod), ethelman, richer (<OE ríce)
citizenship n - boroughership (Eng., cf. NHG Bürgerschaft, NL burgerschap), richership (<OE ríce)
citroen n sourapple -
city n stead, borough, burgh, town -
citywide adj - steadwide (cf. NHG stadtweit)
civet cat n - slipcat
civil adj folk -
civil law n - folklaw
civilian n - meanfolk, hovelman
civility n - hoveliness




clade n - bough (branch)
cladogram n - boughbilth, boughwrit
clairvoyance n - throughsight
claim n call, dibs, right; share, stake forehold
clamor n din greeding
clan n body, crowd, network, ring, set, blood, folks, house, kindred, line, set -
clarify vb shed light on suttle (<ME isutelen)
clarinet n - silver-sucker (slang)
classic adj token mean; highflack (flack <NL vlak 'level')
classical adj - tokenly

music: everswin

classification n tagging, branding fading (<OE fadung)
classify vb tag, brand fade (<OE fadian)
claustrophobia n - narrowfear, tightnessfear
clavicle n - keybone (cf. NHG Schlüsselbein)
clear adj/vb adj: sharp; lily-white, sheer, smolt

vb: sharpen

adj: suttle (<ME sutel)

vb: rithe/ruthe (<OE geryddan; cf. NHG roden; IC ryðja)

clearing n glade rithing/ruthing (<OE geryddan)
clearly adv sheerly -
clergy n church, cloth -
clergyman n churchman, father, shepherd of men, man of the cloth, man of the book godsmith, soul-carer, heaven-reacher, sin-buster, make-god, sin-shifter, soul-whisperer, bodiend, speliend, white-choker.
cliche n/adj hackneyed, moth-eaten; n: groaner -
climate n - loftlay (cf. IC loftslag), welkin-hung (<OE gehong "inclination to, tendency"), welkinwist, worldwist, leanset, leansettle, leanship, leanward, leanwist, atlean

leantrend, leanlay [politics, etc.]

clip (cut) v cut -
cloaca n cloäke aldrain (all + drain), alclosethew (all + closethew (sphincter))
cloak n whittle (archaic) loth (<OE loþa); basing (<OE basing), cassel (<OE casul); french (<OE frence)
clock n timer daymale, stounder, logger, daymeal
clockwise adj sunwise -
clockwork n - stoundersare (stounder 'clock' + OE searu 'device, craft, machine')
clone n/vb twin -
close vb shut, narrow slute (cf. NL sluiten, NHG schliessen)
close adj near, narrow, nearby, nigh -
clutch n gripsare (grip + OE searu "device, craft, machine")




co- pref fellow-, by-, i-, even- -
coagulate vb clot ren (<ME rennen), arun (cf. NHG gerinnen)
coalition n - block (see Italian blocco)

band, ring

coarse adj - rough
coast n seaboard, strand sea rim, sea strand, sea wang, warth
coastline n shoreline -
coat of arms n - kinshield, weapon
cocaine n slangs: blow, snow dust, snow, white, white lady, slim, snuff -
Coca-Cola n kidney killer mucksnuffbrew
coccyx n tailbone -
cochlea n - hearsnail (cf. NHG Hörschnecke)
cockroach n - shave (cf. NHG Schrabe)
cocoa (bean) n - mucknut, muckbean, muckseed, bitternut, bitterbean, bitterseed
cocoa (drink) n - muckbrew, bitterbrew
coconut n - skulnut (skull + nut; coco comes from Span./Port. for "skull")
code n


software: backend

coeval adj - evenold (<OE efeneald)
coffee n brew beanbrew
coffer n - hoardvat (<OE hordfæt)
coffin n - pinebox, meatbox, deadchest (cf. NL doodkist), through (<OE)
cognate n - kinword
cognizant adj aware rathe
cohabit vb live together bylive
coherence n - weenness, witherspeakfreedom (<NHG Widerspruchsfreiheit)
coin n minting mint (<OE mynet, cf. NHG Münze)
coincide vb - inbefall, atbefall, atfall
coincidence n happen-so (in OED, US regional colloq.) likehappening, tofall (calque of all Ger. speeches)
coitus n - swiving, heamedlock (<OE hæmedlac), bysleep (<NHG Beischlaf)
cojones n balls, guts -
colic n - bellyharm
collapse n/vb downfall, infall, swooning vb: cleave in
colleague vb workmate, fellow worker -
collect vb gather sam (<OE samnian)
collection n gathering, set thingstock, ingathering, ingetting, samming
colon n - two dots, twinfold dot
colonize vb settle, take over,
spread through(out)
fermshippen (<OE "feorm" + "ship" + "-en (wordlore 6)"), landboten (<OE landbū + -ettan)
colony n settlement settling, fermship (<OE feorm + ship), landboness (<OE landbūnes)
color n hue, cast, blee, light wavelength dye (<OE deah), farb/farve (<OE færbu, cf. NHG Farbe)
color vb hue, dye, shade, blee -
column n upright sile, staple
combat n fight, hild gouth
combination n binding, tying, knotting, fastening, gathering forbinding (cf. NHG Verbindung)
combine vb bind, tie, knot, fasten, gather, put together gatherbind, withbind, forbind (cf. NHG verbinden)
combustible n/adj adj: fiery
n: tinder
adj: fireworthy (may also mean non-combustible)

n: tinderkin (<OE tyndercyn)

comedian n funnyman, merry-andrew funspeller, lustspeller, laughtersmith
comedy n merrymaking funplay, lustplay (calque: NHG Lustspiel)
comestible n eatings chewings
comestible adj eating eatworthy
comet n broom star, shooting star strealer, faxed-star (resemblance to hair flowing in the breeze), tailstar
comfort n rest, ellen, elning, frover (OED) fastness, bulwark; bliss; weem
comfort vb strengthen; ellen (OED); soothe, brighten, shed/cast light on, lighten up, light up freever (<OE frēfran), frover; also frother (<ME frofer; <OE frōfor)
comfortable adj soft, lithe, snug queem (<SC, cf. NHG bequem), froverly/-some
comic n strip, stripbook -
comic adj funny; laughing -
comma n - halfdot, cutdot, short stop
command n behest, bidding

military: headship

hight, hest
command vb bid, lead, behest; spearhead sway, yebe, hote, hight, befeal (<OE bifelhan and akin to NHG befehlen)
commander n head, leader campalder (<OE campealdor), bebeedend (<OE bebēodend), harreasower (<OE hererǣswa), hildwiser (<OE hildewīsa), hertow (<OE heretoga), wolder (<OE walda)
commandment n behest; (Torah) teachings bodeword, mustsaying
commemorate vb mind umbethink
commemoration n minding, umbethinking bethoughtening
commence vb begin, start -
commensurate adj fitting -
comment n - bemark
commentary n input, feedback upmarking (cf. NL opmerking)
commenting n - bemarking
commerce n business, trade; dealings chapstow
commercial n businesswise tradewise
commit vb do, betake, plight athee (<OE ġeþēon), forove (calque: NHG verüben)
common adj shared; household: cut-and-dry, workaday; broad-brush, overall; shared; middling; lowbrow; everyday, wonted, widespread

peasants: churlish

mean (<OE gemæne, cf. NHG Gemein), imean (<ME imene, ȝemǣne 'common, general, universal'; cf. OE gemæne), mean, amean; allshare, withmean, wonesome (<OE wune 'custom'); wunly (SW vanlig)
CE (Common Era) n In the year of Our Lord (Dionysian) YL, Mean Eld (ME), (AE) Anward Eld
commonly adv meanly, often ameanly, wonesomely
commonwealth n - meanwealth, meanbest (cf. NL gemenebest), folksrich, thedewealth (cf. IC Þjóðveldið )
commotion n unrest stirness (<OE styrenes)
communicate v share, talk; spread, brainstorm, bespeak, tell, make known, oversend, share, utter, say, word, give outthrutch, outthrust, outsend, outspeak (cf. NL uitdrukken, NHG ausdrücken), betwixtsend, crosstalk
communicative adj chatty speakle (<OE sprecol), speakly
communion n fellowship, share, sharing imeanship (calque: NHG Gemeinschaft)
communism n - richownership; allownership (the state owns all means of production and private property is counterrevolutionary)
communist adj red; churlish richowned, knavish (cf. proletarian)
community n shire, fellowship meanship/ameanship (<OE gemǣnscipe and akin to NHG Gemeinschaft), folkship
compact adj deal, hard, stiff, unyielding, crowded, packed, thick, tight, thumbnail (expression) withfasted, withfied
companion n fellow (<ON), mate (<MLG), gesith (historical title) feer (<ME ifēre <OE gefēra), sithe (<OE gesīþ)
company n business, outfit, brotherhood, fellowship (<ON) ship, sitheship (<OE gesīþscipe)
comparative adj - overlikening
compare vb liken, stack up aliken (<OE anlician), withmete, withput, withlay
comparable adj alike akind, samekind
comparator n - likener (from Minecraft)
compass n - magnetic: eighttoken (cf. IC áttaviti)

pair of: ringupspurrer (cf. IC hringfari)

compass point n - skyheading (calque: NHG Himmelsrichtung), weatherstroke/weatherstreak (calque: SW väderstreck), eighttoken
compassion n feeling, kindness, ruth, goodwill milts, evensorrow
compassionate adj kind, feeling, ruthful -
compatible adj kindred samehaft (cf. IC samhæft), fordrawnly (calque: NHG verträglich), mithworkbere (from Minecraft)
compatriot n kinsman landsman (<OE landesmann), fellow-land(wo)man
compel vb fordrive, strong-arm, make-to thring, bede (<OE gebǣdan)
compensation n meed, bote froover (<OE frōfor), forgooding
competent adj fit, good; fair, right -
compete vb match up wedbewharve (grounded on NHG wettbewerb stehen) gaintussle (gain- + tussle)
competition n bidding wedbewharve (calque: NHG Wettbewerb) gaintussling (gain+tussling)

more new: wedbestriding (the wedding of bestriding) see bestride

compile vb put together -
complain vb whine, bitch, caterwaul,
moan, gripe, whinge, grumble
cher (<OE ceorian)
complete adj full, whole, done, over, through, up; in depth, thorough, all-out, downright, flat-out, sheer, stark, stone, straight-out, thorough, utter; out-and-out, skillful,full-standing, thoroughgoing -
complete vb fulfill, end, overcome fuldo (<ME fuldon ⁊ <OE fuldōn)
completely adv outright, fully, utterly, thoroughly, through and through,
inside-out, to the hilt, altogether, deeply, soundly,
complex adj manifold, knotted, snarled -
complexion n blee, hue, look, ilk, kind, suchness, way, outlook skin-look, skin-hue
compliant adj toward, abiding followsome, bowsome (<OE buxum)


- maze, intangle, manifold
complicated adj knotty, tangled manifold (<OE)
compliment n/vb flatter n: sweaseness (<OE geswǣsnys), love (<OE lof, cf. NHG Lob; rhymes with stove)

vb: swease (<OE swǣs)

complimentary adj - sweasely (<OE swæs + -lic), loving (rhymes with roving)
compline n - nightsong (<OE nihtsang, akin to "evensong")
component n - underdeal (cf. NL onderdeel), makebit, inbit, gatherbit, wholebit
compose vb make, put together glinge, (<OE - to adorn, set in order, compose), adight (<OE), asing (<OE), awrite (<OE), samen (<OE), fay (<OE), withput
composer n - swinsmith, leethwriter
composition n layout swincraft
composter n - bonemealer (from Minecraft)
compound n cocktail, meld, mix forbinding (calque: NHG Verbindung)
comprehensive adj all-in, thorough, whole, all-out
adv: fully, inside-out, through and through, understandbere, forstandbere
begriping (calque), invatting (<OE fæt 'vessel'; calque)
comprise vb make up inhold, invat (cf. NL omvatten)
compromise vb/n tradeoff, deal

vb: meet halfway

compunction n qualm, misgiving -
computation n reckoning -
compute(r) n/vb vb: reckon, arime (<OE) ithink (<OE)

n: circlewyrd, circleweird (OE circolwyrde: computer, mathematician. However, circle is an early Germanic borrowing from Greek via Latin)

reckoner, uprimer, upthinker, upreckoner, alderrime, alderrimer, alderreckoner, endberder, endberdend, enberdend (calque, based on French and Spanish Ordinateur/Ordenador), fade-sare (fade < OE to arrange. sare < OE device, craft, machine) reckonsare, rimesare
comrade n fellow, friend gade (<OE gada), sithe (<OE ġesīð)

faithful: trowþoft (<OE trēowġeþofta)

concatenate vb - therbinding
conceal vb hide, shroud, overshadow mithe
concealment n hiding, hideaway, lair, nest dern, hidlock
conceivable adj thoughtworthy -
conceive vb take, catch; be with child; ken (OED); beget, dream, make out, twig knit, forseed
concentrate vb meet, cluster, gather; fasten, lump, build up, strengthen, mind bemiddlen, ibemiddlen
concentrated adj crammed, clustered, gathered, lumped together, built up, minded on -
concentration camp n - shandstead
concentric adj ringed, overlapping middlesharing
concern n care, worry, reck yeam (<OE ġīeme)
concern vb behoove -
concerned adj chary -
concerning prep as for, as far as, on, toward, anent -
concert n - ileethering
concept n mind's eye begripe (cf. ME begrīpen, NL begrip, NHG Begriff), mindseye (Compound currently growing in popularity)
conception n mind's eye, thought bilth; of child: beseeding


vb end, wind up, wrap up, break up, leave off, let up, wind up, wink out, name, settle upon, gather, make out -


n ending, finding(s), endgame endsay
concrete n/adj hard manstone (from Minecraft); gainstandly (cf. NHG gegenständlich)
concurrently prep meanwhile, all-the-while,
all along
concussion n shell shock -
condemn vb doom, put down fordeem, forordeal (cf. NL veroordelen)
condemned, the n doomed beforordealt (from forordeal, via NL veroordeel)
condemner n deemster forordealer (from forordeal, via NL veroordeel); doomer
condescend vb belittle, stoop,
talk down, lower
condition n onlay, fettle hoad (<ME hōde), ship (<OE scipe), birdness (<OE byrdnys), areadness (<OE arǣdnis), foreworth (cf. NL voorwaarde)
condom n warding, rubber, scumbag -
condominium n housetown political entity: wholelordship/whole-lordship (cf. NHG Gesamtherrschaft), wield, reevedom
conduct vb lead, drive, beload (<OE), Ioad (<OE) -
conduit n - ithelode (from Minecraft)
cone n taper (<OE) keggle (cf. NL kegel, NHG Kegel, DN kegle), ringwedge
confectionary n sweets, sweetmeat, sweet-shop -
confederacy n deal (treaty or constitution—cf. Lat. foedus); binding; bond, tightbond (Lat. con- is an intensifier, marking a strong treaty or bond) richesband (band of states), richesdeal (covenant between states, cf. Leeden foedus), landsband, landsdeal; richship, loosebind
confederate adj/n friend, buddy, henchman; bonded, bound n: agade (<OE gegada)
confederation n bond, binding richesband, richship, loosebind
confer vb bestow, lend, give over -
conference n meeting, gathering, moot instelling (calque: WF ynstelling, NL instelling)
confess vb acknowledge, own up shrive, beken (Eng., cf. NHG/NL bekennen), andet (<ME andetten), det
confession n acknowledging, shrift andetness (<OE andetnes)
confidence n belief, hope, troth can-do-feeling
configuration n setting, set up

of elements: layout, shape

instelling (cf. NL instelling)
confine vb lock in, keep, trap, fetter, bind, latch, grasp, abed (by illness), bedrid bemire (pref. be-, <OE mære)
confirm vb strengthen, starken, acknowledge besteady (cf. NHG bestätigen)
confirmation n strengthening, starkening besteadying (calque: NHG Bestätigung)
confiscate vb filch beslay (cf. NL beslag)
conflagration n fire eld (<ME ēld <OE ǣled, past participle of ǣlan)
conflate vb - withmelt
conflict vb/n fight, feud -
confluence n - watersmeet, eameet
conform vb dovetail, blend, groove, key, withshape evenlike (<OE efenlician)
conformism n - evenlyinghood
conformity n - evenlying
confound vb befuddle, bewilder, addle -
confront vb take on, come at, be up against -
confuse vb befuddle, mistake, ravel, bewilder, muddle, mangle, addle ablend, forwrixle (calque: NHG verwechseln)
confusing adj manifold, bewildering, muddlesome, misleading -
confusion n muddling, bewildering, mishmash ablending
confute vb overstale (<OE Ofer-staélan - to confute, to convict, to convince) -
congregate v forgather -
congress n gathering, moot -
conics n - kegglelore
conjecture vb foreguess aread (<ME arēden; cf. NHG erraten)
conjecture n foreguess reasowing (<OE rǣswung)
conjugate vb bend abye (<OE gebīgan; cf. NL verbuigen)
conjunction n linking word linkword, bindword, yokeword
conjure vb - beswear (calque?: NHG beschören)
connect vb link, fit, tie-in, bind forbind (<OE forbindan)
connotation n - undermeaning
conquer vb do down, overcome, upend, worst overwin (<ME overwinnen ⁊ <OE oferwinnan)
conquered adj overwon -
conquerer n overwinner -
conquest n overwin -
consanguinity n kinship -
conscience n - thewing, inwit
conscious adj aware, mindful, heedful -
consciousness n awareness, mindfulness, heedfulness, wake inwit
conscript vb draft, call-up -
consecrate vb bless, hallow, behallow, bename -
consecutive(ly) adj/adv straight, running, unbroken; one after the other, right after -
consent n - thaving, thwaring, yielding, withfeeling (calque)
consent vb leave, yield thave (<ME thaven), thwearledge (<OE þwǣrlǣcan)
conservation n - orholding (cf. NHG Erhaltung)
conserve vb husband orhold
consequence n aftermath, backwash, outcome, upshot, wightiness offleading (calque: IC afleiðing)
consequently adv hence, thereby, thereupon, thus, wherefore, sithence (obsolete) -
consider vb

heed, bethink, think about,
reckon, set down

hye/huy (<OE hycgan 'bear in mind, confide, trust'; compare lie <OE licgan, buy <OE bycgan), aween (<OE āwēnan), behow (<OE behāwian), umbthink (<OE ymbþencan), smey (<ME smēȝen), yondthink (<OE geondþencan 'to reflect upon'), hiler (<OE aheolorian 'weigh, balance'), aweigh (cf. NHG erwägen)
consideration n thought -
consist of vb be made up of bestand of (cf. NHG bestehen aus)
consistency n - weenness
consistent adj - weenly (<OE wénlic)
console vb frover, soothe, allay sorrow, share grief,
give strength and hope
consolation n - freeverness (<OE fréferness), froover (<OE frōfor)
consonant n - samedsweyer (<Ælfric's OE samodswēgende), withlide, midloud (calque: NHG Mitlaut), midclinker (calque: NL medeklinker)
conspicuous adj sightly forthsighly (cf. OE forþgesýne), kenspeckle
conspiracy n plot -
conspiracy research n - plotlore
conspiracy theorist n wiseman, knower, wit (ironic) plot-beholder
conspiracy theory n - plotbeholding
conspire vb plot -
constant adj ongoing, abiding, steadfast, steady, singal (<OE sin-gal - perpetual, Everlasting) onwherft, simble (<OE simbel), onehard (<PWG *ainahard; cf. OHG einharti)

resistant: bestandy/bestanding (NHG beständig)

constitution n clay, self; build, lawbook, frame, shape, law

forfastening (cf. NHG Verfassung), overlaw

constraint n - thwing (<OE geþwing)
constrict vb tighten intighten, betighten
consulation n - bereading (calque: NHG Beratung)
consult vb see with -
consume vb eat (up), drain, spend, intake benote (<ME benōten)
consumerism n - intakerhood
consummate adj crack, good, great, skilled; blooming, straight-out; utmost -
consumption n intake -
contact vb get, reach fay, rine, forthreach
contain vb hold, inhold, have in itself -
contaminate vb befoul smittle
contemplate vb - yondthink (<OE geondþencan)
contemplation n thought yondthinking (<OE geondþencan + -ing)
contemporary adj today's new-timey, tidely, fellow-timed, like-timed
contempt n loathing, hatred -
contemptuous adj - shanding
contend vb set to -
contend (argue) vb flite, hold -
content n/vb vb: gladden inning (<OE innung), inhold (calque: NHG Inhalt)

of one's character: inwit of one's moodstathel

content adj happy, gladdened, gruntled fained, list
contention n wrangling -
contents n inside Inhold
contest n match witherwin (<OE wiðerwinn)
context n light, framework, ins and outs, layout,
basis: underlay
umbrealm, underlyings,
contiguous adj abutting -
continent n mainland worlddeal (<OE worulddǣl), greatland, landstretch, fastland
continuation n astandendness, astandingness (<OE) -
continue vb go on, abide, keep on, keep at
transitive: let something go on, forlong
ongo, forthgo (cf. NHG fortgehen), forthset (cf. NL voortzetten), throughgo (cf. NL doorgaan), singel (<OE ġesingalian)
continuing adj - on running
continuous adj unbroken, ongoing forthgoing, forthset, simble (<OE)
contort vb writhe -
contract n bond, deal handfast, writdeal
contradict vb gainsay, withsay, withspeak yenspeak (<OE gēansprecan), witherspeak (cf. NHG widersprechen), andwitness (cf. IC andvitni), witherqued
contradiction n gainsaying witherquedding (<OE wiðercwedung), withspeech (NHG Widerspruch), anspeech
contrarian n aginner -
contrary adv against witherward (<OE wiðerweard), witherto, withershins
contrast n againstness, otherness, unlikeness, cleaveness, sunderness shedspan, undershed, witherputting
contrast vb sunder, cleave, shed, tell asunder undershed (cf. NHG unterscheiden, NL onderscheiden), witherstand (calque), offstand, witherstack, offstack (cf. NL afsteken), witherput
controversy n - gainwending (loanshift of Leeden contrōversia)
contribute vb pitch in bypull, bydraw/drag (cf. NL bijdragen)
contribution n input -
contrite adj sheepish nust or anust (<OE gehnyst), thrasted (<OE geþræsted)
contrition n sorrow, guilt, ruth -
contrive v - avel (<PG *aflōną; whence IC afla)
control n hands, oversight, running, stewardship, arm, grip, hold, sway, steering bridling
control vb lead, bridle, hold, steer, keep, tame, steward sway
conundrum n riddle -
conurbation n - towncluster(ing)
convect vb - ibear, imbbear, iferry, awaybear
convenient adj - comely (cf. OE cȳmlīċ)
convent n - nunring
convention n - acoming (cf. "a-", cognate of "com-" + "come" < OE cuman, cognate of "venio" + "-ing")

law: wonelaw (cognate of wone <OE wuna, "custom, habit, practice, rite" + law), sidelaw (cognate of side <OE sidu, "custom, note, manner" + law)

convergence n meeting -
conversation n talk, mailing underholding (calque: NHG Unterhaltung)
converse vb speak, talk -


on the other hand, otherwise -
conversion n - umbuild (cf. NHG Umbau)
convert vb wend, make over turn over: bewharve (<OE behweorfan)
turn around: bewend (<OE bewendan), forwandle
convertible n drophead, soft-top, hard-top -
convey vb give, spread; bear, ferry, deed, make over inway
convict n lag overstale (<OE oferstaélan), haftling (<OE hæftling, cf. NHG Häftling), overstell
convince vb wheedle, talk round, talk into, win over overretch (<OE oferreccan; PST&PTCP: overraught)
convoy n - wain row
cooperate vb work together evenwork (<OE efenweorcan), getherwork (calque: WF gearwurkje), midwork, samework (cf. NO samevirk)
cooperative n - neatship, aneatship (cf. NHG Genossenschaft)
cop vb nab -
cop n hound, pig (slang, slightly vulgar) frith wike (peace officer)
cope vb deal -
copious adj beteeming -
copper (<PWG) n - ore (<OE ār), elfbloom
coppern (<PWG) adj - kippern (<OE cypren), earen (<OE ǣren)
coppery adj - orelike
copse n thicket, shaw, holt -
copy n - twin
copy vb imitate: ape twin, eftyield, andwrite
imitate: evenledge (<OE efenlǣcan)
copy & paste vb - twin & tack
coral n/adj - limeshaft; yellowpink
cord n line, rope, string, wire tew, rib-cloth
cord vb fasten -
cordial adj friendly, hearty, warm -
cords n - manstows
corduroy n ribbed cloth rib-cloth, manstow (manchester)
core n kernel, heart, yolk, innermost being -
coriander n - cloveleaf, clovelobedleaf, broadlobedleaf/bradlobleaf (based on description of leaf)
cormorant n sea raven shrab or shrave (<OE scræb), coal-goose
cornea n - hornweb, hornflesh
corner n nook, winkle, hirn, edge -
cornerstone n keystone hirnstone (<OE hyrnstān), edgestone (<PWG *aggjustain)
cornflower n - cornblossom
corny adj corny corny
coronation n - kinhelming (<OE cynehelmung)
Corona (beer) n - Wreathbeer (<OE writhabēor)
coronavirus n - wreathsmit (<OE writha, <ON smitta)
corpor(e)al adj bodily bodisome
corporation n - businessbody
corpse n body, dead body lich, nee (<OE nēo), likam
corpus n body likam
Corpus Christi pn - Wistforwandering Day
correct adv/adj right, aright, befitting -
correct vb right, righten, mark berighten (cf. NHG berichtigen)
correction n righting punishment: threal (<OE þrēal)

berightening (cf. NHG Berichtigung)

correction fluid n whiteout -
correspond v match, match up, link, link up, be alike, meet onspeak (cf. NHG entsprechen)
corridor n hallway -
corroborate vb bear out -
corrode vb gnaw forrot (<OE forrotian), begnaw (<OE begnagan)
corrugated adj - wrizzled
corrupt adj/adv crooked, bent, rot forrot
corslet n byrnie -
corvée-work n - workrede (<OE weorcræden)
cosmetics n fard -
cosmolabe n - tungleheight meter
cosmopolitan n - worldsman
cosmopolitan adj worldly -
cosmos n world allworld, allrow
cost n outlay, worth anworth (calque: GO 𐌰𐌽𐌳𐌰𐍅𐌰𐌹𐍂𐌸𐌹)
costly adj dear -
costume n outfit, get-up, fake dress derning
Côte d'Ivoire n - Windward Shore, Tusk Shore, Elpbone Shore
cottage n hut, cote sheel
cottager n - cotsettle
cotton n - seedwool, treewool (calque)
council n gathering, huddle, board, brotherhood, fellowship, thingstead (<OE þingstede), thingstow (<OE þingstōw) rede, redemoot, redebody, reevedom
counsel n/vb lead, shepherd rede, law-erne (legal-eagle)
counselor n alder(wo)man rede(wo)man, redegiver, theagher (<OE þeahere/ġeþeahere)
count vb tell, reckon arime
count n earl -
countenance n cast -
counter- prefix with-, gain-, wither- -
counterbalance n offset -
counterclockwise adj withershins withersunwise
counterculture n - otherway, witherkithship
counterfeit goods n - apeware, openware
counterpart n match witherdeal, evenbilth (cf. NHG Ebenbild)
equivalent: gainsteck (cf. NHG Gegenstück)
countersign n - gaintoken(ing) (cf. NHG Gegenzeichnung)
countersign vb - gaintoken (cf. NHG gegenzeichnen)
counterstroke n - witherclap
country n land, kith, fatherland, homeland, motherland, rich (state)

countryside: weald, upland

native: ethel (<OE æþel), folkland, erd (<ME), etheldom
county n shire, ethel, earldom, wapentake, erd, fold reveship
countrywide adj landwide
county council n thing (<ON þing), folkmoot (<OE folcgemōt), folksmoot (<ME folkesmōt/folkesmot) shiremoot
coup vb strike putsch (<NHG)
coup d'état n richstrike -
coup de grâce n topper lithing, miltstroke
coupling (train/carriage) n thill -
coupon n - deemslip
courage n mettle, boldness, fearlessness, heart, heartiness, daring, backbone beld/bield (<OE bieldu), noth (<OE noþ)
courageous adj bold, daring, doughty, fearless, full-hearted, unfrightened, stouthearted coaf (<ME cōf), thrist (<ME thrīst), onehard (<PWG *ainahard; cf. OS ēnhard, OHG einharti)
course n line, pathway lode, begang, erning (<OE ierning), shrithe (<OE), yong (<OE geong), rin (<OE ryne)
course (academic) n - learnset, loregang, lorestream
court n/vb hof vb: splunt (<Scots)
courteous adj fairspoken hovely
courtyard n - hallyard, boroughyard (<OE burggeard)
cousin n kins(wo)man nearkin, farsib, needmay (< OE nīdmægeOE nīdmāge)

male: sweer (<OE geswēor), swire (<OE geswigra)

coven n - witchring
covenant n oath, deal, bond, binding -
cover n holster, sheath heling, helm, thacking, taching, decking, beweave (<OE bewǣfan and <ME biwēven)
cover vb thatch/thack, overlay, hide, deck, overspread hele (Eng. dialectal), helm, bewree (<OE bewrēon)
coverage n - yondfetching, overthetching, overthatching, overhealing, yondhealing
covered area n deck, roofed deck heling (<ME hillet), helm (<OE helmian)
covering n skin, feathers, hackles heling, overwrigels (<OE oferwrigels)
cover with vb lay on -
covert adj hidden, shrouded, stealthy, under wraps, heled
cover-up n whitewash, hush-work shroudening
covet vb crave, want, hunger after, thirst after, cast greedy eyes upon -
covetous adj greedy, graspy, grabby, hoggish, wanting -
coward n cowerer, wimp, woos, fearer, nithing arg (<OE earg), flytail, feyling (cf. NHG Feigling)
cowardice n cowering arghness (<ME arghnes), argth (<OE iergþ)
cowardly adj argh, cowering, gutless, thewless, woosy, fearful fey/fay (<OE fæge, cf. NHG feige), cowerly
coworker n by-worker, fellow worker, workmate -


CPU (Central Processing Unit) n main chip -



cranium n skull head-bowl (OE heafod - bolla)
crater n - bowl (calque), barrowbowl
cravat n necktie, neckcloth -
crayon n - waxlimestone
cream n salve, ream, milk's head fleede (OE fliete)
crease n/vb wrinkle, rumple, rimple, runkle -
create vb beget, build, craft, make, set up, shape, hatch ashapen
creation n brainchild, wrinke; world, rise shaping, ashapenning, fromship
creative adj - cunsty (cf. NL kunstzinnig), shaperly, makerly (cf. NHG schöpferisch), thoughtrich
creator n maker, crafter ashapenner
creature n wight making (horrible creature, monster), awe-grimer, aies-grimer, allwight, edshaft, shape, forthshaft, eges-grime (a horrible mask; a creature with horrible form)
credence n belief -
credibility n - liefworthiness, beliefworthiness, beliefworthihood (cf. NHG glaubtwürdigkeit)
credible adj - liefworthy, beliefworthy (cf. NHG glaubwürdig), oathworthy, intrusty, inliefsome
credit n hail, acknowledging inlief, intrust, forthtrust, oathworth, borrowworth
creed n belief -
cremate vb bale -
creme de la creme n bee's knees, dog's bollocks, best of the best, fat of the land, best -
crepuscular adj twilighty -
crepuscule n twilight, darkfall, dusk, nightfall, gloaming, evenfall, eventide, sundown downset
crescent n moonsickle -
crest n ridge, noon, top, high-water mark ris, comb
cretaceous adj - chalken, chalkish, chalky, limestonish, limestony
cretin n blighter; nit -
crevasse n cleft -
crevice n cleft, gap, hole -
crew n manning (cf. NL bemanning)
crewel n wool-yarn
crime n lawbreaking, shame, sin, wrongdoing, misdeed shild (<OE scyld), gilt (<OE gylt), forwrought (<OS farwurht)
criminal n crook, outlaw, lawbreaker sinner: guiltend (<OE gyltend)
crimson n - deep red, base (<OE basu/baso)
crisis n - needtime
criterion n yardstick, hallmark, need deemrimmer
critic n scather, blaster -
critical adj weighty, key, scathing -
criticize vb slag, knock, brand, upbraid, flak -
criticism n scathing -
crocodile n - nicker (<OE nicor, cf. OHG nihhus), pebbleworm (calque), waterdrake (coined by Old English wikipedia)
croissant n - moonbread
cross (<ON) n - rood, syebeam (<OE sigebēam)
cross (<ON) vb - thwarse, stride over
crossing n overgang (calque: NHG Übergang)
crown n kine-helm bee
crown vb - kinehelm, wreathe
crucifix n rood (archaic) roodfastening, onrooding, gallowing
crucify vb - roodfasten, onrood, ongallow, gallowen
crucifixion n - onrood, onrooding, onroodness, gallowth, gallowing, gallowness
crude adj rough, raw -
cruel adj harsh, mean, ruthless, cold, unfeeling reethe (<OE réðe), slithen (<OE slīþene)
cruelty n meanness, harshness, ruthlessness moanbale (<OE mānbealu), slithenness
cruise vb - thwarse (lit. to cross)
cruiser n - thwarser, thwarseship
crusade n krosscampagne roodfirding
crust n - rind (<OE rind)
crustacean n crab, (US regional variants): crawfish, crayfish, crawdad shelldeer (cf. NHG Schalentier), crabkin, nookmig
cry n roop, yell, shout, whine, wail, moan lide, liding (<OE gehlȳd; cf. NHG Lied)
cry vb weep, shout, wail, yell, howl, sob, roup, cleep chy (<OE cigan)
cryogenic adj - coldly
cryotherapy n - coldbehandling
crypt n - thesterlock, thestercove, lich-keep, undercroft
cryptocurrency n - keepminthood, hidden minthood
cryptography n - hidden writing
crystal n - hurst (<OE hyrst)
crystal adj - hursten (cf. Eng. golden)
crystalline adj - hursty




-cule sfx - -gale/gazle (calque of Latin -culus, which itself is from -cus + -ulus, -cus is cognate with PG *-gaz and -ulus is cognate with -le, derived from PG *-ilaz, combining *-gaz + -le -> -gale)
cub n - whelp
cube n - worvel (cf. NHG Würfel)
cuckoo n - yeke, gawk
cucumber n - greenpod, earthapple (<OE eorþæppel)
cuisine n cooking foodcraft
cull vb choose, pick, pick out, pitch on, pitch upon, sift, winnow, gather, pluck, pickup -
cull n pickings, siftings -
cul de sac n dead end sackbackstreet (calque: NHG Sackgasse), stitchstreet (calque: NHG Stichstraße)
culminate vb - nib
cult n - lesserbelief, lessertrow, lessertroth
cultivate vb till, harvest, work -
culture n couth, folklore, way of life, folkways ways, menning (calque: IC menning), kithship, kithlike (calque: NHG Kegelheit), lore
culvert n - leat, ditch
cumbersome adj clumsy, burdensome, unwieldy, awkward -
cuneiform bones n - wedgebones
cuneiform writing n - wedge-shaped writing
cup n - nap or nep (<OE hnæpp)
cure vb heal -
curiosity n witfire firwitnes (<OE fyrwitnes) newsgreed, newsgreediness, knowkeen
curious adj - firwit (<OE firwit), newsyearny, newsgreedy, knowkeen
curious vb funny, odd, weird frimdy (<OE frymdig)
curium n - stourstuff (<cf. PG stōraz + PIE -yós; Stour / Curie)
curlew n whaup whilpe (<OE hwilpe)
currency n - shat (<ME shat/schat ⁊ <OE sceatt)
unit: shilling (<NE ⁊ <OE scilling), minonehood (cf. NL munteenheid)
current adj nowaday, today's, now's, nowadays', running nowen, tidegang/tidegeng (<OE), evenrunning, eventime
current n run, drift, leaning, tide, wind, now brimstream (<OE), eystream (<OE iegstream), streamfare, waystream (<OE)
Electricity, water, etc.: instream, inrun, flowbore, runbore
currently adv as of yet, now, nowenly -
curriculum n - learnplot
cursive adj handwritten flow-staved
cursor n runner -
curtail vb cutback, forshorten, foreshorten, clip -
curtain n - hanger, hangcloth, forehang
curve n bow, bend, wind bendle
custody n hold, hands warding
custard n vla, stich
custom adj bespoken thew, folkway
custom n wone, wont, business, trade side, toln (<OE)
customary adj - wonely
customization n - besunderledge (from Minecraft)
cutaneous adj skin, hide hidish, hidely
cutaneous disease n tetter, scurf, scurvy -
cute adj pretty, sweet, lief goldy (cf. NHG goldig), sooth
cutlass n backsword -
cutlery n silverware -


CV (curriculum vitae) n life-tracker, life tale -




cyan adj - hewengreen; teal (for dark cyan)
cycad n - firtapfolm (cf. SW kottepalmer)
cycle n age, circle, round, once around
cyclist n biker wheeler
cyclone n - whirlwind


n swanling -
cylinder n - drum, sinweltling (cf. IC sívalningur)
cynical adj sneering -
cynology n - doglore
cynosure n - hoardvat (<OE hordfæt)

