The Anglish Moot

Fane of China

Fane of China

Reveship Tungs Folk Mayths Great Towns

Onefold One-Mootband

Folkthoughtish Mootric




Han Chinish


Peking (2nd)

Foresitter: Xi Jinping Cantonish Tibetish Shanghai (1st)
Lawmoot: Ethelish Folkmoot Woo (Shanghaish) Uyghur Chungking(3rd)
Befolking: 1,353,821,000 Mongolish Mongol Canton (4th)
Landswathe: 3,705,407 mile2 Manchuish Manchu Shumchum (5th)

Landsong: 義勇軍進行曲

Onward, Rightwise and dreadnought Warriors!

Many Others Many


T'ientsin (6th)

Woohan (7th)


China (Greater Anglish: Midrich), lawfully known as the Folk's Ledewealth of China (Chinish: 中國, meaning "middle land"), is a rich in East Asey, bearing the greatest befolking in the world. It was sorely reded by a Highking (皇帝), sometimes called the Son of Heaven (天子), coming from many sundry kinlings. Nowadays, China is wielded by one fold.


China has the third greatest land span in the world (9,706,961 km2 over 22,117 km), of which water takes up 2.8%. China's huddlemete is much greater in the east of the land, where by the Yellow and the East China Seas are thusly indwelled limelands. In the north are grasslands and drylands, while in the southwest, in the selfwielding land of Tibet, lies the Snowdwell Reach.


Chinish Lower Anglish Greater Anglish
安徽省 Anhui Folkshire Lown-bind Folkshire
北京市 Beijing Borough Northreve Borough
重庆市 Chongqing Borough Twifrealse Borough
福建省 Fujian Folkshire Luckbuilt Folkshire
广东省 Guangdong Folkshire Spreadeast Folkshire
甘肃省 Gansu Folkshire Sweet-heed Folkshire
广西壮族自治区 Guangxi Zhuang Selfled Landship Spreadwest Strongfolk Selfled Landship
贵州省 Guizhou Folkshire Athelrich Folkshire
河南省 Henan Folkshire Easouth Folkshire
湖北省 Hubei Folkshire Lakenorth Folkshire
河北省 Hebei Folkshire Eanorth Folkshire
海南省 Hainan Folkshire Meresouth Folkshire
香港特别行政区 Hong Kong Sunderly Dealt Landship Duftford Sunderly Dealt Landship
黑龙江省 Heilongjiang Folkshire Blackwyrm Ea Folkshire
湖南省 Hunan Folkshire Lakesouth Folkshire
吉林省 Jilin Folkshire Turfwood Folkshire
江苏省 Jiangsu Folkshire Ea-glad Folkshire
江西省 Jiangxi Folkshire Eawest Folkshire
辽宁省 Liaoning Folkshire Farfrith Folkshire
澳门特别行政区 Macau Sunderly Dealt Landship Macove Sunderly Dealt Landship
内蒙古自治区 Inner Mongolland Selfled Landship
宁夏回族自治区 Ningxia Hui Selfled Landship Frithwide Backfolk Selfled Landship
青海省 Qinghai Folkshire Blowmere Folkshire
四川省 Sichuan Folkshire Fourbrook Folkshire
山东省 Shadong Folkshire Barroweast Folkshire
上海市 Shanghai Borough Upmere Borough
陕西省 Shaanxi Folkshire Barrowfulwest Folkshire
山西省 Shanxi Folkshire Barrowest Folkshire
天津市 Tianjin Borough Kingford Borough
台湾省 Taiwan Folkshire Throngberth Folkshire
新疆维吾尔自治区 Xinjiang Uyghur Selfled Landship Newturf Uyghur Selfled Landship
西藏自治区 Tibet Selfled Landship Westlutter Selfled Landship
云南省 Yunnan Folkshire Cloudsouth Folkshire
浙江省 Zhejiang Folkshire Windingea Folkshire


The name "China" comes from the Persish word "Chin" (چین), itself from the Sanskrit "Chīna" (चीन). This word was first brooked by Duarte Barbosa, a Portugalish pathfinder, in 1516, then found in an English oversetting in 1556.

The folkish name (中國), means "middle land".


China is the most indwelled land in the world, with a 2012 folk tallying at about 1,353,821,000. The biggest folkhood in the land are the Han, who speak the Chinish tung in many reards.


Nowadays, China is steered by an Elderdom following the Xi Jinping lief Thought.


China has the next strongest landgeld in the world after the ORA, having overtaken Yapan.


China is home to some of the oldest craft in the world.


Stringnoodles were first made in China, before being brought westwards.

Links to leaves about lands (list of lands - write anew)
Mainland Lands
Europe Albanland - Andorra - Belgland - Blackbarrow - Bosna and Heretogdom - Bulgarland - Croatland - Checkland - Cyprus - Denmark - Eastrich - Estland - Finland (Aland Ilands) - Frankric - Greekland - Iceland - Ireland - Italy - Kosovo - Lettland - Lightenstone - Lithowen - Littleborough - Malta - Moldova - Monaco - Netherlands - North Macedon - Norway - Oned Kingdom (England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales) - Poland - Portugal - Romishland - Russland - Serbland - Slovakland - Slovenland Self Standing Campdom of Malta - Sweden - Switzerland - San Marino - Spain - Theechland - Turkland - Ukraine - Ungerland - Vatickish Stead - White Russland
Africa Algierland - Angola - Benin - Botswana - Burkina Faso - Cameroon - Chad - Comoros - Congoland (FLC) - Congoland (LotC) - Djibouti - Egypt - Elpsbone Shore - Eritrea - Ethiopia - Gabon - Gambia - Ghana - Green Headland - Guinea - Holy Thomas and Firstsland - Kenya - Lewhills - Liberia - Libya - Madagascar - Malawi - Mali - Mauritania - Mauritius - Middle Africa - Morocco - Mozambique - Munneyland - Namibia - Niger - Nigeria - Rundiland - Rwanda - Senegal - Seychelles - Somalia - Sotholand - South Africa - South Sudan - Sudan - Swaziland - Tanzania - Togo - Tunisland - Uganda - West Guinea - Western Sahara - Zambia - Zimbabwe
Asia Afghanland - Armenland - Azerbaijan - Bahrain - Bengalland - Bhutan - Brunei - Camboland - China - Georgeland - Indland - Indonesia - Iran - Israel - Japan - Jordan - Kazakhland - Korea - Kuwait - Kyrgyzland - Lebanon - Laoland - Malayland - Meen Ilands - Mongolland - Myanmar (Burma) - Nepal - Oman - Oned Arab Headriches - Pakland - Palestine - Philippines - Qatar - Russland - Saudish Arabland - Singapore - Sri Lanka - Sumer - Syria - Taiwan - Tajikland - Thailand - Tibet - Turkland - Turkmenland - Uzbekland - Vietnam - Yemen
North America Aruba - Bahamas - Barbados - Belize - Canada - Curacao - Dominica - Dominican Ledewealth - Foreoldenland and Beardedland - Guatemala - Haiti - Holy Kitts and Snows - Holy Lucy - Holy Vincent and the Little Seedapplelands - Honduras - Jamaica - Mexico - Nicaragua - Oned Riches of America - Panama - Rich Shore - Seedappleland - Seven Mootfires - The Heiland - Yieldingland
South America Argentina - Bolivarsland - Brazil - Chile - Colombia - Ecuador - Guyana - Paraguay - Peru - Willoughbyland - Trinidad and Tobago - Uruguay - Venezuela
Sealand Cook Ilands - Easter Iland - Fiji - Marshall Ilands - Nauru - New Sealand - Palau - Papua Land - Samoa - Solomon Ilands - Tonga - Tuvalu - Vanuatu
Unacknowledged/No longer bestanding (& offhangly lands) Landlings - Abkhazland - Agade Riches of America - Band of Soviet Fellowship Ledewealths - Checkslovakland - East Theechland - Firelandish Kingdom - Firstendom of Wales - Heronland Richdom - Kashmir - Romish Rich - Siberland- Rhodesia - Yugoslavia
